Korean UBF New Year's Staff Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 19, 2014
  • 1812 reads

On Dec. 8-10, 2014, Korea UBF held its New Year's Staff Conference to find new spiritual direction for the upcoming year 2015 with 92 people including eight missionaries at the Institute of Daewoong Management and Development in Youngin, Korea.

The main lecture 1, entitled, "The Treasure in Jars of Clay" was based on 2Co4:1-18 and given by Sh. Elijah Moon (Jongro8 UBF). He testified that only by God' grace we have this treasure of the gospel in jars of clay to show that the all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. He confessed that his pioneering ministry didn’t work well for him because he did not fully depend on God alone. Instead, he relied on his abilities including his English skills. But as he prepared this message he realized that he was just a mere jar of clay before God. He repented of his sin and made a decision to rely only on Jesus, the treasure in serving the pioneering ministry.

Main lecture 2, entitled, “The Truth of the Cross" based on 1Cor 1:1-31 was given by Sh. Hyunseok Jun(Hanggong UBF). He emphasized that the only way of solving human problems in this world is the way of the cross.  Before meeting Christ he was full of hatred but when he looked at the cross of Jesus he was healed and set free from hatred and became a meek shepherd for campus souls.

Main lecture 3, entitled, "The Unfolding of Your Words Gives Light" from Ps119:129-152 was given by Sh. Nowon Song (Kyounki UBF). He testified to the grace of God in unfolding God's words, which then give light to our hearts. Though he had to go through many difficulties in his pioneering ministry, the words of God always encouraged him to overcome all things he said. He also decided to keep meditating and reciting God’s words and to pray in serving his campus ministry.

On the first night there was a special lecture on Soteriology, entitled, "Understanding about the Canons of Dort' " given by Sh. Moses Kim (Anam1 UBF). He stressed that salvation belongs to God and for those who are predestined, called, justified and glorified only by God and that God will complete it. Therefore, those who are saved must have clear confidence of salvation and give thanks and glory to God through their lives because of God’s grace.

On the second night the new pioneering shepherds shared their testimonies. Sh. Stephan Kim (Jinjoo UBF) thanked God for enabling him to look to the cross of Jesus when his inner being was groaning in serving his ministry. But God comforted him and took away his stress by sending many new sheep.

When Sh. David Nam saw some fellowship members in his ministry sent to intensive care, he could do nothing but cry out to God for help before the cross of Jesus. God was so gracious to his people that the sick members were miraculously healed and God richly blessed his ministry by establishing a student club.

Sh. Timothy Koh (Hansung UBF) was warned by the school not to preach the gospel in the campus but he was not discouraged. Instead, he made a clear decision to boldly preach the gospel because of the cross of Jesus.

Sh. Abraham Jang (Chonju2 UBF) was in deep sorrow because his three top disciples whom he served many years recently left for the world. In spite of this, because of the cross of Jesus he decided to be faithful to the campus ministry at Chonju University of Education until he retires from the school where he has served 12 years as a professor and shepherd. Although he had an opportunity to be a faculty member at the school, he rejected the offer to keep his position as a professor and serve campus ministry.

Sh. Gospel Joo ( Baebong UBF) went through many difficulties in order to make a love relationship with his coworkers in his ministry. In addition, he has been suffering from the pain of angina. But he decided to overcome all the difficulties by faith depending on the cross of Jesus.

Once Sh. Seong won Kim was in deep distress because of his children's diseases and the difficulty of raising disciples. But in the midst of his trials he could learn Jesus' shepherd heart for distressed people. Through this he could mature in the image of Jesus. He experienced God's comfort and God's grace of healing upon his children and success in raising disciples.  Through his testimony he well revealed God, the comforter who is the shepherd of those who are in distress, and we were all moved and praised God.

After testimony sharing, P. Abraham Kim (UBF general director) who came to visit Korea right after serving the Australian conference presented the Australian mission report. Through the mission report he revealed the glory of Christ among the suffering missionaries in Australia. He gave us prayer topics: 1. May each chapter of Australia raise one Abraham and Sarah. 2. May Australia become a missionary sending country by 2020.

Dr. John Jun (UBF honorary director) who came back from New Zealand after serving CME presented his New Zealand mission report. Especially he introduced M. Nehemiah and Hannah Lim of Auckland UBF. They are the only family there and they have been serving the ministry for 16 years. They are struggling with loneliness and with their children's disease. He prayed to God for the servants who are so precious before God that God's great comfort may come upon them from heaven.

After that, we earnestly prayed for world mission especially for the upcoming continental directors' conferences.

At the end Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) encouraged us to continue to serve preaching the truth of Christ in the coming New Year 2015, though the environment of preaching in the campus is not good. He stressed that first of all each staff member needs to be full of light and  grace from the word of God in their hearts and then share it with their ministry and with campus souls.

In 2015 may the Korea UBF continue to boast of the treasure of the gospel in us and preaching the truth of cross shining the light of Jesus on the campuses and on the world. 

Abraham Suh