Cologne UBF Had a Fall Conference

  • by WMD
  • Nov 20, 2014
  • 1897 reads

Living in the Light 

“You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.”1Thess. 5:5

We were still under the influence of the blessed huge European Summer Bible Conference. So our expectation towards this small Fall Bible Conference of Cologne 1 UBF was not high. But now I am looking back to a weekend where God has worked powerfully through his word and Spirit. Anyway, when can you see a truly Medieval Age castle with knights’ armor standing in every corner being turned into a house of God?

To me, the preparations for this conference were almost invisible. Everything was done with much diligence, sacrifice and prayer behind the scenes. And God has blessed it. I was looking forward to a weekend of spiritual fellowship with quiet times and rest instead of being burdened with many obligations. So I could dedicate myself fully to God – and to fellowship with my dear brothers and sisters. My anticipation was great!


Because of a strike by train personnel, there was no chance of reaching the conference without cars. But many were dependent on trains. Graciously, Dusseldorf coworkers came to give them a ride so that everyone could join without fail. And those who were early were able to take a closer look at Blankenheim Castle.

The conference passages were all from 1Thessalonians. The first message was given by Ulrike Gross on ch. 2:1-12. She had prepared a PowerPoint presentation to underscore her message with everyday examples making us smile. She focused on Paul’s shepherd heart and desire for evangelization disregarding persecution and disdain. She emphasized that courage doesn’t mean to have no fear at all, but to decide and act while being aware of our weakness and fear. Courage is a gift of God and is also linked to motivation. Ulrike summarized her message in challenging us to be “contagious” Christians, using the Ebola virus as an explanation. In this way, we should “contaminate” the whole world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Day 2: Highlights.

In the morning, we met for Bible study groups mixed with pupils, students, missionaries, and shepherds. It was dynamic and interesting. Then, Jonathan Hong from Wuppertal spoke on ch. 4:1-12. His focus was Paul’s challenge for holiness, a life according to God’s will. Two main problems in this respect are immorality and greed. Knowing that a holy and pure life is God’s will helps us to live a life pleasing God. Paul was encouraged by the brotherly love of the Thessalonian Christians, but challenged them to do so more and more.

In the afternoon, we had time to ourselves. Many of us used it to write their reflections, take a walk, and have fellowship. Before dinner, we had gracious exchange of our reflections in our Bible study groups. Everyone in my group had received one word of God and shared it joyfully.

After dinner, we listened to the message of Timotheus Yoon from Dusseldorf on ch. 4:13 – 5:11. Having resurrection faith through Christ comforts us over the deceased and makes us long with joy for the day when our Risen Lord will come again. At the same time, we need to be watchful about the Lord’s coming, not like the foolish bridal virgins who didn’t prepare oil for their lamps when they were waiting for the bridegroom to come. We must leave the life of darkness and sin behind and live in the light of our Lord Jesus at all times. Here, we find our identity as children of the light, and only as such we will experience salvation.

Some young people also shared their reflection or life testimony. Rebekka Nett from Cologne testified that only recently she could overcome her fear of high school exams through faith in God by prayer. She could also tell her friends about this great experience, and one of them expressed his desire for a similar help; he may come to our monthly junior worship service (“Lichtblick”). Josua Lim Jr. was born in Germany, but raised mostly in Korea. He spoke about his identity conflicts and split desires. He testified to the deep love he experienced from his parents and many shepherds in Korea. He also said that he feels at home in Germany and has confidence about God’s plan with him, here. He prays to pass his language exam this week. Eun-Hye Kim from Wiesbaden also shared her life testimony. In her youth, she often struggled with a desire for recognition from people. In Jesus who loves her and gives her perfect fulfillment, she found her true identity. For two months now, she will serve a medical training in Cologne. She is eagerly looking forward to serve God’s work and study the Bible with coworkers in Cologne.

Seeing the work of God in our young people was very encouraging. We could see that God’s light and truth are powerful to overcome the darkness of the world. In God, we may have a great vision for our friends, for all Germany, even for the whole world. We had a joyful celebration that night. Still, I decided to come to God personally in this precious time.

Day 3: Worship service and return home.

On Sunday, Samuel Lee served us with ch. 5:12-28 on God’s will for us personally and as a body of believers. Christian Fellowship is marked by joy, prayer, and thanksgiving. And in contrast to worldly people, we keep them up not only in seemingly favorable situations, but even in times of sorrow and backlash. Job was a good example for this. But Samuel insisted that this attitude and remaining joyful in Christ can only come from God’s Spirit, not from ourselves. This closing message reminded me that this conference was not just for my spiritual encouragement and refreshment, but foremost for me to realize God as my Lord more deeply and to please him! The Holy Spirit will grant me insight and empower me to live a God-centered and gospel-centered life.

Finally, Martin Kim shared his life testimony. Being raised as a missionary son, he grew up in a Christian environment, but lacked a personal relationship with God. His family had moved from Cologne to Dresden, then to Virginia, then back to Cologne, experiencing isolation, unemployment and poverty. This caused him to become humble and to treasure his family all the more, and it brought him closer to God. We could only thank God for his work in Martin.


A meaningful conference was coming to an end. Thankfulness, joy, and prayer … these aspects have truly marked this weekend deeply. God has used the appropriate messengers with a fitting topic at the best time. He touched the hearts of those who shared and thus strengthened our spiritual fellowship and brotherhood. God helped the organizing team (led by Knut Rohrmoser and David Yoo) with wisdom and power so that everything went smoothly. Now, may God help us in our everyday lives to live accordingly, as children of the light, so that the love of Jesus will radiate through us to people who do not yet know him. To God be all thankfulness and all praise for and through this conference.

Elise Cheong, Cologne 1 UBF