Relief from UBF Worldwide Christmas Offerings

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 29, 2014
  • 3484 reads

Relief from UBF Worldwide Christmas Offerings (Report of 2012-13 & Announcement for 2014)

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.(2 Co 8:9)

UBF International HQ appreciates the UBF chapters and their members around the world for their generous and sacrificial giving through 2012-2013 Christmas offerings.  We have been dedicating Christmas offerings to international humanitarian relief and UBF internal relief in alternate years. As announced, 2012 Christmas offerings were dedicated to the Bethesda Medical Center (MBC) in Uganda; 2013 Christmas offerings were delivered to relief organizations for humanitarian reliefs. The HQ Relief Committee is pleased to present this report along with an announcement for 2014 Christmas offerings.

At their August 15-16, 2014 meetings, UBF International Executive Board and International Advisory Members decided to dedicate 2014 Christmas offerings to construction of UBF Bible Houses primarily in South Sudan and additionally in the Philippines, and to aid for UBF chapters with urgent financial needs. Due to the government policy against Christian mission, most UBF leaders in Sudan moved to South Sudan, selling their Bible House. They registered UBF with the South Sudan government and purchased a land in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan, near Juba University (See the attached photo). In memory of our precious brother Shepherd Peter Angelo who was martyred while he was keeping the South Sudan UBF running during the time of civil war in 2013, we want to help our brothers and sisters in South Sudan to have a Bible house of their own and render our prayers for the coming of God’s kingdom in the country. Otherwise it will be almost impossible for them to build a Bible house with their own resources.  Help for Antipolo chapter in Philippines is recommended, for the number of Filipino students who are coming for Bible study is growing and the chapter needs a Bible house to accommodate them in their poverty. 

International HQ cordially asks all chapters to participate in this relief effort from 2014 Christmas offerings.  May the Lord Jesus who became poor for our sake to make us rich receive honor and glory through our Christmas worship services worldwide.

UBF International HQ Relief Committee
David Choi, Chair     Contact:
Moses Kim (Korea)
Dr. Helen Rarick   
Daniel Yang         

On behalf of Pastor Abraham T. Kim, General Director

South Sudan Bible House Construction site

Relief from 2013 Christmas Offerings

Total Offerings:                          USD $153,141.98
       North America                    USD  $98,657.75
       Korea (for South Sudan)    USD  $18,727.00   
       Continents                          USD  $35,757.23

Disbursed as follows:
Samaritans Purse (Philippine typhoon relief)                USD $45,096.97
Various Organizations (Philippine typhoon relief sent directly by North America chapters) 
                                                                                       USD $22,110.52
South Sudan                                              
       Food for refugees and relief for poor students (sent by Korea UBF)  
                                                                                       USD $18,727.00
       Reserved for additional relief                                  USD $19,670.17
North Korea (PUST medical project)                            USD $30,000.00
Voice of the Martyrs (Muslim mission)                          USD $10,000.00
A Cup of Drinking Water International (clean drinking water supply project)   
                                                                                       USD  $7,500.00
Foreign currency conversion fee                                   USD       $37.32


Relief from 2012 Christmas Offerings

Total Offerings Collected:                                             USD $263,887.09
       North America             USD $127,153.09
       Korea                          USD   $83,957.00
       Continents                  USD   $52,777.00             

Expenses (Fees for inspection & delivery):                 USD     $4,045.00
Delivered to Bethesda Medical Center (BMC):            USD $259,842.09
        Total Used by BMC:                             USD $199,642.00
             Purchase of medical equipment    USD $179,642,00
             Purchase of electricity generator   USD   $20,000.00
       Total Reserved by BMC:                      USD   $60,203.09