Fall Bible Conference of UBF Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Darmstadt 1, 2 and Frankfurt 3

  • by WMD
  • Nov 06, 2014
  • 2655 reads

Report on the Fall Bible Conference of UBF Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Darmstadt 1, 2 and Frankfurt 3

Our conference took place in Lachen/Neustadt from October 31 to November 2, 2014 with the title, Bible study, disciple making and world mission. We wanted to renew our calling and identity. The opening message was on Genesis 12:1-4 by Shp. Samuel Ju (Frankfurt 3). He showed us how God, who wanted to save the whole world, patiently helped Abraham for 25 years in order to change him to a man of faith and make him a source of blessing for all nations. On Saturday morning we had Bible study on Mark 3:1-19 and heard the message titled “Jesus Raised Twelve Disciples as Apostles” from Reiner Schauwienold. We learned that the disciples could be changed to great spiritual leaders simply by being with Jesus and listening to his words day by day. We learned that we also will be changed to influential Bible teachers with the image of Jesus when we learn to be with Jesus through deeply studying and obeying his words continuously. Then Pastor Abraham Lee gave a lecture titled “Disciple Making Among German Students”. He reminded that house churches resemble the early Christian church and that many shepherds in Germany UBF became disciples through Bible study and common life with Korean missionaries. He also named requirements and suggestions for the future disciple making ministry in Germany and for handing over the leadership to native shepherds.

On Saturday evening Shp. Toni Demir delivered the message “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations”  based on Matthew 28:18-20. He had met Jesus after high school but suffered for some years until he found direction how to live for Jesus as his disciple through Bible study. He proclaimed that we shall go and make disciples through Gospel-centered Bible study. Afterwards Dr. Paul Koh from Chicago gave a lecture on “Bible Study, Discipleship and World Mission”. I learned that I first need to study the Bible deeply in order to be changed myself then others can grow as well. His lecture gave me the direction to raise German students as Jesus’ disciples and send them out as missionaries in order to please God and receive his blessing for our country, which is under increasing Muslim influence. Then Dr. Esra Song and Msn. Rebekka Song from Darmstadt 2 delivered their graceful life testimonies.

On Sunday we studied Acts 1:1-14 and heard the message from Shp. Enoch. We learned that in order to live as Jesus’ witnesses successfully we need firm roots in the Gospel of his death and resurrection, vision, the power of the Holy Spirit and true Christian fellowship. I thank God for this conference which encouraged us to deeper Bible study that will continue to change ourselves and that will change German students to disciples of Jesus who even got out as missionaries.

One word: Go and make disciples of all nations