• by WMD
  • Nov 05, 2014
  • 2010 reads

Praise be to God who made my journey to be successful with graceful Bible studies with various senior leaders in UBF Chicago. I took time off work to be refreshed spiritually through the meditation of God’s word, prayer and testimony writing. Actually this is needed from time to time otherwise one will lose spiritual savor completely. I thank God for various house churches and leaders who invited me for lunch and dinner. They made me feel welcome by showing love and care. Specifically, I appreciate Missionary Mother Barry, Pastor Abraham Kim, Pastor Ron Ward, Dr. Mark Yang, Sh. Daren, Pastor Kevin Albright, Sh. Steve Stasinos’ family, Sh. Tim’s family, Dr. Augustine Suh, Pastor Teddy, Missionary Isaac Lim’s family, Missionary James Ahn, Missionary Jose and Maria Ahn, Missionary Luke Moon’s family and Dr. Paul Koh. I thank God for Missionary Elijah who coordinated my itinerary throughout my stay. I also thank God for Missionary Grace A. Lee for sending gifts to my family. I celebrate each person for their love and care showed toward me. May God bless their labor in Christ Jesus and give them the grace to live a fulfilled life in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to participate in the Leadership Development Workshop (LDW). The Leadership Development Workshop was meant for senior Missionaries and Leaders in North America who were meant to come up with a discipleship manual that will be useful for various UBF missionaries across the world. It was indeed divine to be part of such gathering. It was very insightful and it gives more understanding into God’s calling as a disciple of Christ Jesus.

 Spiritual Renewal

Pastor Ron Ward scheduled 8 Bible studies on the book of Philippians to help me to be renewed spiritually. I attended two Sunday worship services and the messenger in each service was Pastor Ron Ward. The message was very graceful and impactful. I studied with different leaders which are summarized below.

I had two Bible studies with Pastor Abraham Kim on Acts 28:16-31 and Philippians 1:15-30. In these studies, I learned that Paul preached the kingdom of God with boldness and without hindrance. Even though Paul was in prison he did not allow the situation to stop him from preaching the gospel. For me I have no excuse not to teach the Bible no matter how demanding my job is or how tired I will be. Nothing should stand in the way of the gospel. Paul’s conclusion was that to live is Christ and to die is gain. For me to continue living should be for Christ and not to live to have a great career. In other words, I must live a Christ centered life.  And if I die for living for the gospel of Christ then it’s a gain because I will obtain eternal life.

The second Bible study was with Dr. Mark Yang on Philippians 1:1-14, entitled, "God began a good work and will finish it." Here I learnt that Paul had confidence in gospel ministry in the midst of hardship. His confidence was in God because it was God who started the good work and he’s the only one that will finish it. If I’m to serve Bible students through 1:1 Bible study faithfully and to be fruitful in it then I must put confidence in God.  In truth, I have no power to change anyone so why then should I put confidence in myself? When I study the Bible, I must trust God to finish the work he has started in the life of Bible students.

The third Bible study was with Pastor Teddy on Philippians 2:1-11 entitled, ‘He made himself nothing.’   Here I learnt that Christ is the model for humility. Christ being in the very nature of God did not considered equality with God. Christ made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant. As I live in this world especially among the community of believers, I must humbly serve others and have the mindset of Christ. If everyone genuinely has the mind of Christ then we would surely look out for the interests of one another and there will be no conflict or rivalry among us. I must humbly serve others with the love of Christ. I was deeply touched when I saw how senior missionaries and leaders humbly served me in different capacities while I was in Chicago. This was a practical demonstration of Christ’s love and I thank God for it.

 The fourth Bible study was with Dr. Augustine Suh on Philippians 2:12-30 entitled, “Continue to work out your salvation.” Salvation is not attained by good deeds; salvation is by God's one-sided grace. However it’s important for me to remain in Christ Jesus in order to ensure eternal life.  Apostle Paul advised specifically that in Christian community we should not grumble and argue among ourselves for this will not be healthy for our spiritual development. In working out my salvation it must be with fear and trembling. The fear of God must be in me continuously, that is I must revere God every day of my life.

The fifth and sixth Bible studies were with Dr. Jose Ahn on Philippians 3:1-21 entitled, “I want to know Christ” and “Press toward the goal.” Here I learnt Apostle Paul’s life goal was that he wanted to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his suffering. At his old age, Paul still wanted to know Christ which means knowing Christ or serving the gospel work is not for a short period of time but for a lifetime of knowing Christ and preaching the gospel of Christ.  Paul never considered he had attained the goal yet after planting so many churches among the Gentiles but still wanted to continue to press on toward the goal. Here I learnt that living for Christ should always be for the present and not what we have achieved in the past.  If Christ comes today what he finds me doing now is what counts and not how I have lived for him in the past.  I have to continue pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

The seventh Bible study was with Missionary Mother Barry on Philippians 4 entitled, “Rejoice in the Lord Always.” Here Paul encourages the Philippian church to rejoice in the Lord always regardless of circumstances. It means that the object of their joy should be Christ the Lord.  Material success or possessions should not be the object of our joy because if taken away from us then our joy is taken away. Besides, they are only a temporary joy that will end on this earth. For me to rejoice always Christ should be the reason of my joy so that in whatever circumstances I found myself I can rejoice always. Though it’s not easy to rejoice while suffering, but if Christ dwells in my heart I should rejoice because I will share in his glory.  Also in the study I learnt not to be anxious in anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving I should present my requests to God. At times, I get anxious about my children and worry if they are learning well or even on my job I get anxious.  Anxiety can only damage people and communities, therefore to overcome it, we should present our situation to God in prayer and God will surely answer us.

The last Bible study was with Pastor Ron Ward on Mark 9:30-50.  I learnt that the desire to be great should be in the Lord and in serving others. Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be first he must be the very last and the servant of all.” I also learnt not to be a stumbling block to others, most especially young believers in the church. As a shepherd I must be seen contributing to the spiritual growth of others and not to lead them to sin.

I also received a word of encouragement from Dr. Paul Koh on how to be fruitful 1:1 Bible teacher and disciple maker.  The key verse was taken from Psalm 1:2-3.  He admonished me that for me to be fruitful in 1:1 Bible teaching, I must be crazy for the word of God. That is, I must delight and meditate on God’s word day in and day out and by so doing I will be like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither, and whatever he does prospers.  Also I must plant faith in the power of God’s word. Having Bible knowledge does not give much effect but when I have faith in God’s word then I can have a fruitful 1:1 Bible study. Lastly, to be a fruitful disciple maker I must have the gift of the Holy Spirit, especially patience. I must be patient with Bible students for them to grow and be good disciples of Jesus. Jesus was very patient with his disciples while he was serving them till the end.

My journey has been very successful and I’m encouraged to continue to serve campus students and co-work with Missionary Peter Park as well as with other leaders like Sh. Abraham and Sh. James.  I pray to patiently serve Bro. Tony faithfully through 1:1 Bible study and meet at least two new students to study the Bible with on a regularly basis. I pray that may God complete his good work through me in Jesus name. Amen!

One Word: To live is Christ and to die is gain

John Fatoyinbo, Nigeria