Kwanak 3 UBF Fall Bible Camp Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Oct 31, 2014
  • 1694 reads

On Oct 3rd - 4th Kwanak3 UBF held its fall Bible camp at Unesco peace center at Ichun, Kyounki province in Korea. The purpose of having the conference was to raise 12 disciple candidates and 12 student Bible teachers. God heard our prayers and brought 14 students to the camp. Their names are Hyungkyu You, Joosung Yang, Yoonho Choi, Kyoungwook Koh, Eunbuyl Koh, Chaeyoung Lee,Kwannam Kim, Yoona Kim, Luna Koh, Seungji Kim,Solwhee Choi, Jooeun Park, Kyounghae Park, and Silvi Kim.

Among them 13 wrote their testimonies and 12 presented their testimony at the meeting. After the camp they made a prayer vessel as Matthew disciple team. The number of student leaders who attended was 22, including 17 undergraduate school student leaders. The total number of attendees was 49, including 14 new students, 22 student leaders and 13 serving servants for the camp.

Through the camp, the new students sincerely repented and received Jesus as their savior. Our student leaders also renewed their hearts in the full grace and in the word of God. By this they all laid foundation of faith in their hearts as disciples and one to one Bible teachers. For this we thank God.

We had GBS "Lecture 1 based on Luke19:1-9, entitled "Zacchaeus Come Down Immediately" led by Moses Lee Jr, Pyoungkang Lee, Sarah Yoon and Cathy Kang.  Brother Daehyun Choi served Lecture2 entitled "Do You Want to Get Well?". He boldly testified to Jesus who has raised him up from his fatalistic mat caused by a lack of identity and his inferiority complex, and who gave him victory over his school study.  Following the message brother Hyounggoo You shared his heart moving life testimony based on the grace of Jesus who forgave all his sin, especially Jesus who has set him free from his hatred in his heart. Most people were moved and shed tears for his heart moving testimony. He is growing in Matthew team now and is full of joy and grace because of Jesus. He became a good influence to others and to his work as well as a researcher.

After taking lunch in the afternoon we enjoyed sports and wrote testimony. In the evening seven students presented their graceful testimonies. Their names are Kwannam Kim, Chaeyoung Lee and Luna Koh ( all Matthew team) and Hyunsuh Kang, Jinjoo Hong, Hannah Lee ( all Sharon team) and John Park( Abraham team)

Afterward we had a Bible recitation contest based on Romans 8 and all 11 students were participated in it. Among them 3 Matthew team members were Joosung Yang and Seung Ji Kim.  Jinjoo Hong won the third place, the second place was for Joshua Lee and the first place winner was John Park.

We praise and thank God for richly blessing Kwanak3 Bible camp with 14 Matthew team brothers and sisters and for making the foundation of raising 12 Matthew team disciples. We also thank God  for enabling us to see that blessing upon our first Matthew team meeting with two digit numbers of attendees right after the Camp just as we had prayed to God. 

We pray that God may make us one in spirit to raise 12 Matthew team disciples in this fall. We also pray for our student leaders to be raised firm in the faith and as 12 Bible teachers, and for a vigorous student ministry in SNU. We appreciate all the servants of God who served and worked together for the Bible camp in Kwanak3 coworkers. We believe that God will surely reward their labor of love for the gospel.  We render all the glory and praise to God who is working mightily among us.

Daniel Byeon