CME in Canberra, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Oct 29, 2014
  • 2273 reads

Dr John Jun and M Sunji Sarah Jun visited Canberra, Australia on October 20, 2014 for CME ministry. Canberra UBF has one family with M Joshua Lee, Hannah Lee and Hannah Jr, who are pioneering the ANU (Australian National University). Dr John Jun served Ephesians and Galatians Bible studies, and also Biblical marriage lessons during one week. M David Park joined CME after his final exam. Through the Bible studies, we learned the essence of the gospel, and renewed our faith in the amazing spiritual blessings from God upon us. We also renewed our calling as apostles of Christ and missionaries to Australia. On Sunday, Dr John Jun delivered the English message like cannon balls powerful enough to pierce our sinful hard mind. We agreed that we would need a much bigger hall to accommodate his powerful message next time. Communion followed and Hannah Jr. was baptized. Along with Bible studies, sharing fellowship with Dr John Jun and Sunji Sarah Jun for a week was a great opportunity for missionaries to learn their faith, love for God, humility and hard work. On Saturday, there was an inauguration of a mission house near UC (University of Canberra), and it was blessed with Genesis 12:2. M Joshua also had the exclusive grace to have tennis lessons from Dr John who is, presumably, a tennis champion in Chicago UBF. We were also moved by M Sunji Sarah Jun’s graceful, delicious traditional foods as well as her beautiful life testimony. God blessed CME ministry in Canberra with every blessing and also with beautiful spring weather. We long for their next CME visit.

We are praying for one Abraham and one Sarah at UC and ANU. Thank you for your prayer!

M. Joshua Lee