Chicago Christmas Worship Service

Period: Dec 21, 2014 ~ Dec 21, 2014

  • by UBF HQ
  • Oct 28, 2014
  • 36 reads

Chicago Area United Christmas Worship Service

  • Title: "Come Worship Him"
  • Bible passage: Matthew 2:1-12, key verse 2:2
  • Date and Time: Dec.21, Sunday, 2pm
  • Place: Regina Dominican High School 701 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL

“…  ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’ ” – Matthew 2:2

  • Dear Friend:

    At this Christmas season, we remember the birth of Jesus. Though he is in very nature the God of creation, he came into this world and took on human flesh, becoming like us. So he can understand us as one who experiences the same pains and weaknesses that we do. He did this to be with us and to share with us the love of God and real peace and joy. He saves us from all the power of darkness and shines heavenly sunlight into our souls. At his birth, Magi from the east saw his star. They followed the star, making a long journey, spending time and energy, in order to find the one worthy of their heart devotion. Then they bowed before him and worshiped. They presented their best treasures to him and left. Though they had nothing in their hands, their hearts were overflowing with joy. They found their Creator and Savior and the way to eternal life. In the spirit of the Magi we also want to worship Jesus at this Christmas. We invite you to join us for a heart-moving message and special music programs. We are sure that your heart will be warmed and your soul will overflow with joy. Please join us. - P. Ron Ward