Podil UBF News, Ukraine

  • by WMD
  • Oct 23, 2014
  • 1676 reads

The Ministry of English Club and Serving Refugees

“During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’” (Acts 16:9)

Dear Co-workers and family,

We thank God for his wonderful grace poured out on us through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The month of September was a hard month for me. At the end of August and beginning of September I took a fulltime substitute teaching job for a few weeks to cover one teacher who was still in America. But in the course of working and doing ministry, I became ill with sharp pain in my chest and back. We thought it was my heart or some internal organ. But after going to the emergency room and doing a series of medical tests, the doctors found that it was a muscle spasm. I was bending over too much helping the five-year-olds with writing. After resting for several days, John and I decided that I should not work anymore. I resigned my position on the second week of September and on the third week began English club.

Yulia our student in KMA posted our English club on the University social network. On the first day we had ten students come. The next week we had 13 students. Several said that they wanted to come to our Sunday Worship Service and two wanted to study the Bible. KMA students are the top students in Ukraine. We thank God for this opportunity and pray for the students to meet Jesus.

We are also continuing to support refugees from the money we received from Chicago coworkers. Also on my 50th birthday, I asked our coworkers and friends not to give me flowers or gifts but give a donation for refugees and the army. We were able to raise almost $600 dollars. $500 came from the Clements; they are American teachers working in John’s school. They heard that we help with refugees. With this money, we bought food, warm shoes, soap, detergent, tooth paste and diapers for the refugees. We also bought medicine, long thermal underwear, and wool socks for the soldiers. Our family also donated two tents and four sleeping bags. On the packages for the soldiers we inserted a postcard with Ps. 23 handwritten. We told them we are praying for them and thanked them for their sacrifice. We pray for this war to end and bring peace to Ukraine.

During our study of Acts 16 the key verse moved me, “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’” For our family it has been difficult to stay in Ukraine while all our children are in Chicago. My heart yearns to be with them. But the call for help in Ukraine is loud and clear for John and me. When I delivered food in the aide center for the refugees, that day over 1,000 people came. When I looked at the amount of food we gave, I asked Jesus, “Lord here are some food and supplies but how far will they go among so many?”  Also soldiers are suffering with lack of food and warm clothing. The need is great but our resources are limited. As Jesus fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, we pray for God to multiply our gifts. How did Paul help the Macedonian people? He visited them and gave them the gospel. We thank God that we can study the book of Acts for Sunday Worship Service and have one to one Bible study and English club to help students to come to the Lord. Maria Joy said that the best way she can help Ukraine is to allow her parents to stay there. We were greatly comforted with her words because then we don’t feel that we are neglecting our children in Chicago. May God give peace to Ukraine and the USA. Only God is our true help. Thank you for your prayers and support.

In Christ,

Maria Peace