Dr. John Jun's CME at Sydney UBF, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Oct 15, 2014
  • 2088 reads

I visited the University of Sydney chapter on Oct. 5 where M. Aquila is the chapter director and the director of Oceania. There is only one missionary family (Aquila & Priscilla Lee). At Sunday worship service there were ten people and M. Aquila Lee delivered a graceful message. One faithful freshman sheep Alolau and four young leaders (Paul Lee, Jimi Kim, Anna Yoo and Andreas Yoo) and M. Aquila Lee and M. Priscilla Lee along with two sheep participated.

Four young leaders are the promising shepherd team members who are feeding sheep and are studying Bible 1 to 1 with native sheep. They are Paul Lee (the son of M. Aquila), Jim Kim, Andreas Yoo, M. Aquila Lee. They are also delivering Sunday message once a month in turn. Andreas Yoo (the husband of Anna Yoo) and Jimi Kim go fishing to the University of Sydney regularly.

Jimi Kim graduated from law school and has become a lawyer. He is now searching for a proper job. He is a very faithful shepherd. We are praying that he may grow as a fruitful shepherd and establish a house church in the future.

I led three lectures on Ephesians through group Bible study and children’s education according to the Bible and delivered a message on Sunday (Oct. 12) and we had a graceful testimony sharing time thereafter.

M. Aquila Lee repented so much and made a decision that he would renew the saving grace of Jesus Christ and M. Priscilla shared a graceful testimony also.

M. Aquila Lee gave us prayer topics:

  1. For CME ministry in Oceania and Dr. John Jun
  2. For Oceania Summer Bible conference and messengers
  3. For M. Aquila Lee

By Dr. John Jun