Late Dr. Samuel Lee’s Memorial Service Message by Joshua Lee

  • by WMD
  • Oct 10, 2014
  • 2819 reads

2 Tim 2:3, “Join me in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”

Today we are gathered here to remember Dr. Samuel Lee who was our teacher, shepherd, and most of all, a good soldier of Christ Jesus. It has been thirteen years since he entered the heavenly gate like a victorious general after fighting the good fight.  We miss him so much.

Today’s passage is Paul’s personal admonition to Timothy. These words are also fitting for us who serve Campus pioneering and world mission. I pray that we may renew our soldier spirit and be good soldiers of Christ Jesus.

 Apostle Paul reminds Timothy of his spiritual identity as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. A Christian is a soldier whose commander is Jesus Christ. A Christian’s goal is to fight against his enemies and defeat them. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against Satan.  We have to fight against our sinful desires to enjoy worldly pleasures and complacency. We also have to engage in the spiritual battle to rescue God’s flock from their sin and Satan. Moreover, we have to engage in the one to one battle to pioneer college campuses around the world, expanding his kingdom work.

Then, what kind of attitude should we have as good soldiers of Christ Jesus? Paul says, “Join me in suffering.” It means first, to participate in Jesus’ suffering.  Jesus came to earth to live a life of suffering. Jesus prayed early in the morning, healed many people with all kinds of diseases, fed them and taught them until he  became like a root out of dry ground (Isa 53:2).  Finally, Jesus went to the cross at the age of 33.   Jesus’ life itself was suffering. Paul also learned from Jesus and lived a life of suffering.  He was in prison, flogged severely and exposed to death many times.  Five times he received the forty lashes minus one. He was hungry and thirsty (2Cor 11:23-27). But he confessed in Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Our suffering secures a crown of righteousness and glory. Therefore, soldiers of Jesus Christ should not be afraid of suffering but enjoy it with joy.

Second, “Join me in suffering” means you will receive training.  A good soldier matches his training.  Whether you are a good soldier or not largely depends on the degree of the training you receive, not on human conditions.  In order to become a foot soldier, you will receive 6 weeks of basic training. But in order to become an officer, you have to receive 4 months of officer training.  In the case when you want to become a special force soldier, you will receive unbearable training. One example of survival training is where you are left alone on a mountain with only a knife and map to survive by eating snakes and rats.  Through receiving this special training, soldiers can survive in any circumstances and carry on any given mission.

Since we regard UBF as a spiritual academy, we use many military-related words such as “training,” “battle,” and “conquer.” We have received many types of spiritual training such as “Daily Bread training,” “message training,” “testimony writing training,” “Skokie training,” or “one to one training.” Dr. Lee called himself, “army sergeant” who raised spiritual generals, and trained many shepherds. Through this training in the early days of UBF, many UBF staff shepherds and senior missionaries were raised. Dr. Lee wore army clothes with a beret on his head and rode a Jeep because he considered himself a field commander in the front line of world mission. We must inherit this soldier spirit to love training and suffering in order to send 100,000 missionaries to 233 nations.

Unfortunately, when God blessed South Korea abundantly, she began to have a spiritual crisis of materialism, hedonism, and complacency. The Christian population has now dropped from 12 million to 8.5 million. It is hard to meet one sheep and raise him as a disciple and so Korea UBF is seeing a constant drop in student Sunday worshipers. However, I have hope when I see God’s work done through a small number of trained soldiers who have soldier spirit both in South Korea and around the world.

There are many shepherds in UBF who are on fire about God and feed 15 to 20 one to ones per week. They are called one to one zealots. There is a shepherdess in Kwan-Ak chapter III.  It seems to be impossible to fish SNU medical students because they study all the time.  So she went fishing at 11PM when the medical school library closed.  In this way, several ancestors of faith were raised and now 40 families were established in Kwan-Ak chapter III.  Around her, there are many women coworkers who are one to one zealots, and every day they engage in united prayer and go out fishing, and in this way they invite 50 freshmen each year. Among them, 12 future leadership candidates are chosen to have common life. As a result, the number in Sunday worship grows constantly. Among 130 worship attendants, 80 of them are students. While the student attendants in most Korean UBF chapters are decreasing, Kwan-Ak chapter 3 is ever growing.

 There are many one to one zealots in El Camino UBF.  I heard that they had 320 one to ones last week.  I think we should all be greatly challenged by that.  I pray that we may also learn their one to one zealot spirit so that we may overcome this stagnant time of ministry and revive it.

I was called as a Gwang-ju staff shepherd just after accepting Christ 2 years and 10 months earlier.  But at that time I was not mature enough. Thus, God trained me severely.  Dr. Lee tried to help my marriage problem and brought a shepherdess from Seoul all the way to Gwangju upon my agreement. But my heart turned cold and I refused to marry her.  Another time, I came back from Jun-ju after successfully passing my ministry onto the successor. Dr. Lee told me that I would work in the daily bread department as an office worker since I lacked the intelligence to become a staff shepherd but had the faithfulness to be a good office worker. At that time, I was very confident as a staff shepherd since I was successful in Jun-ju ministry growing the number from 80 to 130. Upon hearing his words, my pride was hurt and I became upset. So I told him, “I was not called as an office worker but as a staff shepherd.”  As a result, I had to bounce a volley ball to the ground for three hours in the staff conference.

Then later, when it was discovered in the staff conference that I had not completed my Luke’s Gospel factual study, I had to undergo more training.  Now I was fired from my position as a staff shepherd, cut off of all financial support, and spent 6 months in despair.  God gave me last training around April in 1976 during the staff conference. Dr. Lee casually told me that I should go to a seminary. But his words sounded like his direction for me to quit my staff shepherd position.  But this time I decided to obey his word fully and told him that I would go to a seminary. Then Dr. Lee, to my surprise, became angry and gave me another severe training.  I wondered whether I had to receive this training or leave UBF. But while reading the Bible, God gave me words from 1Peter 5:5, 6.  “In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”

I held on to the word that God would lift me up in due time when I humbly obeyed, and volunteered to fast and receive training.  But right around that time, I received direction from Dr. Lee to go to Gwangju as a staff shepherd because of a conflict among the senior staff members. When I stopped by Seoul on the way to Gwangju, Dr. Lee prayed for me and said, “I now realize that God has called you to be a staff shepherd of Gwang-ju UBF.”  It was God who lifted me up in His due time as a Gwangju staff shepherd when I humbly received training.

When I went to Gwangju, I found out that the Sunday attendants dropped from 100 to 30 due to the 1976 conflict. However, God revived the ministry remarkably. Gwangju UBF had around 30 shepherds and shepherdesses who were like a special military force. Through their sacrifice, many layman shepherds, intern shepherds were raised and many missionaries were sent out. They also sacrificially gave offerings for two church building projects, including Chon-Dae and Cho-Dae. Layman shepherds received bank loans, and moved to rented houses or sold their houses in order to give offering.

Among the sacrificial shepherds, S. Ok-ki Lee was an intern shepherd. He was the first UBF 1:1 zealot, who did 25-30 one to ones per week.  He then was scouted by Dr. Lee and sent to Jong-ro center as an intern shepherd under S. Maria Ahn.  S. John Park, staff shepherd of Gwang-ju 2 came to center from his freshman year. He received a full 4 year scholarship to Cho-sun law school and is a gifted scholar and a servant of God’s Word.  His chapter has 110 Sunday attendants. Dr. David Park is the layman staff shepherd who serves Gwangju III focusing on Chodae medical and dental schools. He has raised numerous medical doctor shepherds, including three professor shepherds in Chodae medical school and six medical missionaries. People used to call Chodae hospital, “UBF hospital.” They have 120 Sunday attendants.

S. Nehemiah Kim came to Gwangju center for the first time when he was a freshman in high school.  He later graduated from Korea University and received intern shepherd training under S. Mark Yang. God sent him to Gwangju again in 2001 in order to succeed Gwangju I and VI. He is a great Bible scholar, teacher and a powerful servant of God’s Word. He is the director of Korean UBF Bible education department. Currently, he has 190 Sunday attendants.

In my 25 years of ministry in Gwangju, God blessed me to pioneer Gwangju I through VII, and increased Sunday attendants from 30 to 700, 23 times in number.  Also 150 missionaries were sent out.  I give my praise, thanks and glory to God who saved this sinner, and who called and trained me to be a useful servant of God.

 Let us renew our soldier spirit as good soldiers of Christ Jesus and love training and suffering to become strong warriors of faith.  In this way, I pray that we may recover our passion for one to one Bible studies and carry on our mission to send out 100,000 missionaries to 233 nations. Let’s read verse 3 together. “Join me in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.