Homecoming Ceremony for Shs. Birgit Steller

  • by WMD
  • Oct 09, 2014
  • 1864 reads

The homecoming ceremony for Shepherdess Birgit Steller took place in a chapel in Heidelberg on Oct 7. Around 100 coworkers from Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Chicago as well as 20 relatives and colleagues attended the ceremony. The hymns, which were sung, had been chosen by Birgit herself some years ago, also the key verse from Genesis 48:15 “…the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day”. Two short messages reminded of how God had led Birgit gracefully and made her life beautiful and precious. God had led her to Christ through Bible study about 28 years ago, and since then she had lived faithfully for him as his disciple, as a prayer mother and Bible teacher and became a source of blessing for many coworkers, students and children in Heidelberg and far beyond. After the ceremony we continued our fellowship in our center. We saw pictures of Birgit’s life and many shared personal memories how they experienced her love and practical faith. I thank God for blessing this wonderful deeply comforting fellowship. I am deeply thankful to all who came and to all who prayed for this homecoming ceremony.

Birgit’s parents had always been closed towards us thinking they had lost their only daughter to our ministry. But when they heard of Birgit’s relationship of love with many brothers and sisters and saw the pictures, they expressed their deep thankfulness that Birgit could spend her life joyfully with us, and they thanked all coworkers for their coming. Her mother embraced M. Sarah Hong and asked her whether they could come to our Sunday worship service. I am thankful to see this fruit of Birgit’s prayers for her parents.

Through remembering her life of faith we were encouraged to renew our faith and hope in God’s kingdom and to use all our opportunities to serve him and love others, according to the good example of Shepherdess Birgit Steller.

In Christ,
Reiner Schauwienold