The First Slovakia UBF Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2011
  • 955 reads

“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Ezra 7:10

1.     Program

In the evening on the first day of the first conference in Slovakia, we shared life testimonies which were written based on 1 Samuel 17:3.Through testimony writing, God touched our hearts deeply and poured out his spirit fully. We confessed our laziness and unfaithfulness to God’s command with tears. God planted new hope within us and made us taste his wonderful grace.

The second day, we started reading the book of Ezra with a scholarly attitude.  Missionary Paul Jang served the word of Ezra 7. Missionary Esther Jang served us with very delicious Korean food. Even though there were no sheep who attended this conference, we were very happy in God

In the afternoon, we visited Zuzanna and Peter who live in Dunajskastreda which is located one hour from Bratislava by car. Her family welcomed us wholeheartedly and served us with traditional Slovak food, and we played table tennis with them. It was a very graceful time. After returning home, we prayed for Zuzanna, Peter, and her family to meet Jesus as their Christ.

2.     Prayer Topics

- The second Conference in Slovakia (March 19-20)
- Daily bread and united prayer every day

Reported by M. Paul Jang
