The Rhein-Main area Easter Conf. Report, Germany

  • by WMD
  • May 05, 2011
  • 990 reads

The coworkers of Darmstadt 1, Frankfurt 1, Wiesbaden and Mainz had a common Easter Bible Conference in Bad Homburg from 24th – 25th April. 40 coworkers took part in that conference and studied the word of God from Mk. 15, Mk. 16 and Ezekiel 37.

After we had finished the bible study in 4 groups at 10 o’clock on Easter Sunday, we heard a message from Mk. 15 through M. Augustin Kim from Wiesbaden. Through this message we received Jesus as our savior, who took all the pains of the crucifixion for us and died at the cross, while he was left by God. Through the change of Cyrene, Simon and the centurion and Joseph of Arimathea who accepted the grace of the cross of Jesus personally, we learned that the cross of Jesus gives us salvation and God´s blessing. We decided ourselves that we want to take our cross as shepherds and missionaries until the very end.

In the afternoon we had time to write our personal statement according to Mk. 15. At 5 o’clock p.m. we had a time for sharing of our testimonies in groups. After the evening meal we heard the message of Shep. Barbara Lee from Mainz. She preached full of spirit, so that we believed in the life-giving power of the word of God and had the vision that the young people and students in the Rhein-Main area, who look like dead bones, become alive, when they listen to the word of God.

After this message M. Johannes Lee from Cologne 1 presented a special lecture about our lives of faith according the word of Joh. 2. He emphasized, that the life of faith is a life in the blessing of God and that we can reach this blessing only if we obey the word of God until the end like the servants at the wedding at Kana. After this lecture we heard 3 testimonies from Arman, David Kim, M. Maria Kim and 2 testimonies of M. Josef Kim, M. Josua Cho from Cologne 1, who came as new missionaries to Germany in the last year. Through their simple faith towards the calling of God as missionaries for the mission in Germany we were very much encouraged.

At the Easter celebration we heard God’s word from 1. Cor. 15 from New Generation Paul Kim, Sarah Kim and Rebekka Ryu from Mainz, who learned this text currently by heart as if they would have preached the Good News of the resurrection of Christ clearly and alive.

After that the 8 new generation missionaries from Wiesbaden and Mainz played with their instruments “Jesus, our joy” from J.S. Bach.  As a last program the coworkers from Frankfurt 1  played a cantata with the subject of the cross and resurrection of Christ with the song, presentation and theatre very gracefully and impressing.

On Easter Monday, the 25 th of April we heard the message according to Mk. 16 through M. David Cho from Frankfurt 1. He preached the message of resurrection, that Jesus has risen and that this event of Jesus resurrection is an historic event which had been the most important event in human history. We decided ourselves to give evidence of the risen Jesus at our campus.

The closing Message preached Dr. Moses Lee from Darmstadt 1 according to the word of Phil 3.10. He shed tears when he preached his message, so that the audience earnestly wished to participate the sufferings and resurrection of Christ.

Inspite of a short conference of two days, was this conference full of mercy of the cross of Jesus and his resurrection. All coworkers served in this conference as preacher or bible teacher for the group bible study, servants of prayer or as leaders and prepared the spiritual surrounding for the holy spirit, so that the new students: Eva, Philipp, Arman, Ramin, Falk and Kristian received joy and mercy.

We pray, that God will bless our 1 to 1 bible study in the Rhein-Main area and raises one Abraham of faith and a Sarah of faith and 12 disciples of Jesus at every university and uses us as mighty soldiers of God for the raising of 360 spiritual leaders in Germany and for the pioneering of 1700 universities in Europe preciously. We pray that God gives his live giving word to M. Samuel Peter Ryu, M. Augustine Kim, M. David Cho and Dr. Moses Lee every Sunday as well as good health and helps them to build a holy vessel of coworking for the spiritual revival of Germany and Europe.

Thank you.
