Austria Resurrection Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • May 11, 2011
  • 925 reads

"In Adam all die, in Jesus all will be made alive" 1 Cor 15:22

We had our "2011 UBF Austria Resurrection Conference" on April 15-17 at Gutenstein. M. Daniel and Grace Park of Dusserdorf, Germany came and M. Daniel served 1 Co 15 last lecture titled, " Resurrection with new body" and M. Grace shared her Life Testimony covering the last 40 years of God's work in her life.

We chose our Conference messengers by lot this time: Lecture 1 was given to M. Daniel Yang from 1 Cor 15:1-11 (Gospel of the resurrection); Lecture 2 Ephaprothitis from 1 Cor 15:12-28 (the first fruit of the resurrection). Dr. James Han gave a report about the history of Easter instead of Bible lecture. He found out that the name "Easter," Easter egg and Easter Bunny did not come from Christian tradition but from past Germanian god of spring and god of fertility. So we called our Conference as "Resurection Conference' and not "Easter Conference."

We and our children memorized 1 Cor 15 and Lydia Han, Loys and Sarang Yang received prizes.

Till now our coworkers from Europe and all over the world prayed for my job... and God answered your prayers and allowed me obtain an impossible job even though I did not have much laboratory experience and also can’t speak German not so perfectly. I believe God would bless Austria Campus ministry abundantly.

I thank again for all God has done and for your prayers through this occasion,

In Christ.

Austria, Dr. James Han
