Japan Summer Ministry Prayer Topics and News

  • by WMD
  • Jul 30, 2011
  • 915 reads

Like last year, Japan will have summer Bible conferences by region in the West, East, and Kyushu.

East Japan will have a summer Bible conference from August 26-29 at Gifu Prefecturewith the title, “The House of God.” The first main lecture will be served by Abraham, the director of the East Japan region, with the title, “The House of God.” The second main message will be delivered by Moses based on Luke 19:1-12 with the title, “The Salvation of God’s House,” and the third message by Barnabas based on Acts 2:1-47 with the title, “The Beginning of God’s House.” We will also have a CBF conference supported by the missionaries in Tokyo.    

From September 17-19, West Japan will have a Life Bible Conference. We pray that the life giving words of God may be planted into the hearts of all the attendees. There are two chapters in Kyushu and they are going to attend conferences in Korea rather than have their own summer conference this year.

 Since last year, we've been having a JBF conference. It will be from August 12-14 in Tokyo this year. E, John, and Choi will deliver the messages. O is serving the orchestra programs and her husband Joseph finished his PhD program at Keio University and will receive his degree in the coming fall. We pray for him to get a teaching position in Tokyo. Ezra is managing the entire JBF conference and we are praying for God’s wisdom to be upon him.    

Thank you for sending additional relief offerings from Chicago, Washington, and LA in the US and from Germany. Last week, we delivered them to a trustful Christian organization and it be used for church rehabilitation and for supporting believers who are suffering due to the calamities.     

We keep praying for stabilization in Japan. Recently, it was found that cows in Fukushima are contaminated with cesium, which is a chemical substance of radioactivity and they already circulated across the country. People are afraid of it. We believe that God will protect us by his mighty hand. I thought about the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus did not heal him immediately, but stayed four more days after his death and then raised him from the dead in front of his tomb. Likewise, Japan is like Lazarus who already died. We believe God will raise Japan from the dead. Please continue to pray for Japan and God’s mighty hand.

Daniel, Tokyo