Franchophone Conf. Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Aug 01, 2011
  • 820 reads

From the 4th-7th of August, French speaking UBF will have their Summer Bible Conference. The title is "Rekindle the flame of the gospel". Dr. Marc Choi chose messengers among those who wrote graceful life testimonies.

Thursday night-------David Choi (Exodus 3)
Friday morning-------Eric Nicol (Mt 27)
Friday night-----------John Lucas (A pastor of Belgium)
Saturday morning----Pierin Lieu (Mt 28)
Saturday night--------Dailen (Rom 13)
Sunday morning------David Jumea (Mt 24) (Shepherd from Montreal Canada)

Paris UBF had had daily bread meetings every morning with an absolute attitude until now. But they will have daily bread personally at the conference so that each person may find rest in the word of God and rekindle the flame of the Holy Spirit. Especially we pray for newcomers, who have finished "first step Bible study" may write testimonies deeply, accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and commit themselves as disciples of Jesus.

The new Bible students' names are:

Laura - sister of Angelo
Tibo – We pray for him to become modern day John Calvin who can change France.
Antony - He may attend the conference and meet Jesus.
Carlos - He is a foreign student from P., a Catholic. He may receive the word of God deeply and be a disciple of Jesus.

French people love and trust Catholicism very much. We pray that God may work by himself among those whom he had chosen so that we may praise him. Abraham and Paul of England will attend our conference. And also some coworkers will attend from Germany, Belgium and Switzerland to pray for us. May God be pleased with our small service and fulfill our prayer topics and show us the vision for France and Europe and all French speaking countries. We sincerely request your prayer support because we truly need it.