Anam I, II UBF Summer Bible Conf. Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 06, 2011
  • 851 reads

July 21-24, Anam 1 and 2 held it's summer Bible conference with the theme, "Father Forgive Them," at youth training center in Wonju, Kangwon province, in Korea.

We praise and thank God for richly blessing our conference with the powerful word of God and with the number of attendees: 187 (Anam 1) and 130 (Anam 2), including missionaries from the USA, Russia, Indonesia, and second generation missionaries from Pusan UBF.

The opening message: “Come To Me” – Matthew 11:28-30

Evening lecture 1: “God Who Has Done A Great Thing” – Luke 8:26-39

Lecture 2: “Come Now, Let Us Reason Together” – Isaiah 1:1-31

Lecture 3: “Put This Money To Work” – Luke 19:11-27

Student team main lecture 1: “Your Sins Are Forgiven” – Luke 5:17-32

Lecture 2: “Father Forgive Them” – Luke 23:1-56

Laymen team main lecture 1: “It Is Good To Be Near God” – Psalm73:1-28

Lecture 2: “This Is My Body Which Is For You” – 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Early morning prayer meeting lecture 1: “Unless A Kernel Of Wheat Falls To The Ground And Dies” – John12:24

Lecture 2: “Seek First His Kingdom And Righteousness” – Matthew 6:25-34

Main Lecture 3: “The Parable Of The Good Samaritan” – Luke10:25-37

In order to please God, all the messengers poured out their hearts in preparing the messages and delivered heart-moving messages so that all the attendees were greatly encouraged and shared their sincere testimonies according to the word of God through the conference.

Anam 1 UBF divided into two group conferences, one for students and one for laymen. It was good for each group to have different and proper messages, one for the student group and one for the laymen group. They all were happy for this, especially the main lecture 1 for the laymen conference; it touched all the attendees’ hearts so that they could renew their faith and make a decision to come near to God in this corrupted world in which the wicked prevail in this generation.

Each of the evening programs were full of joy and grace with praise, testimony sharing, and special performances. At the end of each night we could deeply enjoy the grace of God by having an orchestra performance, dance, drama, and barbeque. (Second generation missionaries participated in the testimony sharing and dancing along with Pusan UBF Bible students.)

Prayer topics:

1.      For  learning Jesus through Luke's gospel study this summer (Anam 1)

2.      For raising disciples of new Bible students through studying the book of Genesis and Romans this summer (Anam 2)

3.      For raising disciples through one to one Bible study this fall (Anam 1 will study the book of Samuel)

John Bach Lee
