Venezuela UBF Pioneers Two Major Universities!

  • by WMD
  • Aug 12, 2011
  • 791 reads

We thank God for new pioneering work among us. Firstly, on the 12th of June, God sent Jaime & Carmen to Universidad de Los Andes (ULA) as a pioneering shepherd family. Jaime grew up not knowing his father's love due to his broken family. He committed a lot of sin seeking human love.  But he met Jesus through Bible study in UBF. Carmen had lived a sin-sick life due to her deep inferiority complex, but she was healed by the word of God. They established a family in 2010 and had been praying for ULA pioneering. Now Carmen works in Merida where ULA is located.

Secondly, on the 24th of July, we had a Sunday worship service to send out Hugo & Yolimar's family as a pioneering shepherd family for La Universidad de Zulia (LUZ), which is located in Maracaibo, the second city of Venezuela. Hugo delivered a testimonial Sunday message based on Isaiah 49 with the title, "Somos la LUZ del mundo." He enjoyed a comfortable life with a good job before he came to Bible study. But he faced a family crisis due to his sin. God led him to UBF and met him personally through Bible study. His wife Yolimar had been living in pessimism due to her brother's death. But God led her to Bible study through her husband's change and met her personally. God restored their family. Then God led Hugo's mother and brother to Bible study and they began growing as shepherds of God's flock. Hugo and Yolimar received such pioneering vision after the 2010 UBF Latin America conference in Venezuela. Hugo requested to be transferred to Maracaibo for his job and was permitted. They moved on July 29 to Maracaibo.

God has been doing his great work among us continually after we sent Josue & Maria to Panama as missionaries to pioneer two more city campuses. Now God grew Venezuela UBF to pioneer 4 chapters: Caracas, Valles del Tuy, Merida, and Maracaibo. Now Venezuelan national universities, such as UCV, USB, ULA, and LUZ, are being pioneered. We see God's vision to pioneer UC and UDO. With this vision, we will have a summer Bible conference from Sept. 15-18. We are calling this conference the first Venezuela National Summer Bible Conference. We are praying for Merida and Maracaibo UBF to come with Bible students to this conference. We are praying for 180 attendees. This is a new challenge for us since we had 180 attendees at the last international conference with 40 guests from outside. Please pray for us and feel free to join us at our conference.

We will have a pioneering service for ULA on August 21 and for LUZ on August 28. We will form mission teams for this worship service by going out to the campuses of ULA and LUZ to invite students to Bible study. We also need prayer support in providing necessary things for these two pioneering chapters, such as rent for the Bible house, chairs, Bibles, projectors, etc.
