Hanyang UBF Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 15, 2011
  • 1111 reads


Mark 15:34: “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’—which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

The Hanyang chapter had a Summer Bible Conference at the Youth Center in Wonjoo, Gangwon, July 29-August 1. In total, 146 people attended including 27 sheep, 13 missionaries and foreign shepherds, and 16 from the Ansan chapter (7 sheep).

We had a total of 12 messages. The ppening message was entitled, “I Will Give You Rest” (Matthew 11:28-30) by Isaac Lee. The first main message was entitled, “God’s Best Love” (Luke 15:11-24) by Hongchul Kim. The second main message was entitle, “Why Have You Forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:1-47) by Jacob Kang. The third main message was entitled, “You Are The Christ, The Son Of The Living God” (Matthew 16:13-28) by Dongkyu Chae. The fourth main message was entitled, “Feed My Sheep” (John 21-1-17) by Taehoon Kim. The first morning devotional message was entitled, “A Kernel Of Wheat” (John 12) by Jiyoung Park. The second morning devotional message was entitled, “Be A Mother Of Many Nations” (Genesis 17) by Rebekah Song. The third morning devotional message was entitled, “Neither Do I Condemn You” (John 8) by Younghee Lee. The first evening message was entitled, “God Who Created A Suitable Helper” (Genesis 2) by Paul Lee. The first night special lecture was entitled, “House Church Which I Serve” by Abraham Jun. The second evening message was entitled, “Send Me” (Isaiah 6) by Moses Ku. And the second night special lecture was entitled, “Mission” by Ryan. Twenty people shared testimonies, which included three life testimonies.

Student shepherds served all the main messages. The first and fourth main messages were served by younger shepherds. Though they were young, when they proclaimed the word of God with repentance and a clear decision, it moved people’s hearts and they accepted Jesus as Christ with repentance.

Hongchul Kim (the first main messenger), who is a student in Hanyang University (Erika campus), accepted Jesus last year and serves one sheep with the grace of God’s salvation. He invited Kyunghwan Ji (business 1) to this conference. Taehoon Kim (computer 3, the fourth main messenger) had lived a faithful life for the last 20 years, but recently he committed a serious sin and everything was destroyed. In this suffering he met Jesus and received forgiveness. He made a decision to dedicate his life for campus gospel ministry and world mission. Seventeen brothers and sisters revealed their wounds and sins through their testimonies and asked for Jesus’ healing and forgiveness.

The themes of the second and third nights were “House Church” and “World Mission,” respectively. We wanted to plant the concept of biblical marriage in students and leaders through the message on Genesis 2 and the special lecture. We served the last night as the world mission night to obey Jesus’ last world mission command.

On the first night, after the first main message, we had a festival with a mini-concert, band, and drama; and everybody enjoyed and opened their hearts. Our co-workers invited freshman to some of the programs such as the mini-concert, band, and drama; and invited them to the conference too.

During the conference preparation we made a Spanish class (dancing), English class (drama), Chinese class (Chinese band), and a band and piano class; and invited sheep to each class. In this way all the sheep could join in one or two programs and participate in our conference. We are praying that each sheep may continually participate in each class even after the conference and grow as a leader.

From China, two native shepherds and four sheep attended this conference and experienced the salvation of the cross by the Holy Spirit.

Thank God for blessing the 2011 Summer Bible Conference and for helping sheep to accept Jesus who died on the cross as their Christ. I pray that we may obey Jesus’ command, “Feed my sheep,” and feed sheep at the campus in the fall semester.

Moses Kim from Hanyang UBF
