Gwangju 1,6; Junju1,2 Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 17, 2011
  • 886 reads

July 21- 24, Gwangju 1 and 2 and Junju 1 and 2 held a joint summer Bible conference with the theme, “Jesus, The Best Meeting In Our Lives,” at the Jang Sung Training Center at the University of Chunam. The number of attendees was 224: 204 from Gawngju 1 and 6 (60 newcomers); 15 from Junju 1 (4 newcomers); and 5 from Junju 2 (2 newcomers). There were five missionaries who attended, such as Msn. Ezra & Becky Lee (Grand Rapids, USA), Josephine Choi (Missis, Russia), and Caleb and Grace Kim (Kyrkstan).

There were nine messages based on Luke 9, 19, 15, and 23. All the messengers poured out their hearts in delivering their messages. All the life testimony speakers also shared their sincere and heart-moving testimonies during the conference, especially Sh. Lee Minchul, who delivered a graceful message on the cross of Jesus (Luke 23) and made a clear decision to serve God ending his long wandering in life for the past 11 years.

Sh. Abraham Gwak who has been pioneering the Chunam medical school gave a wonderful and heart-moving message with the title, “Do You Love Me?” from John 21. Through the message he vividly revealed Jesus’ unfailing love for us though we do not deserve it. By depending on Jesus’ unfailing love, we must love Jesus first and feed his lambs not because we must but because we are willing.

We praise and thank God for the fruit of this conference, for seven freshmen who made up the Luke disciples team. They all actively participated in the dancing and drama during the festival night and could greatly enjoy Jesus our Lord through the conference.

We are thankful to God for answering all our prayers for the conference, and we could see the work of God among us through the conference. We also are thankful to God for six medical students who attended the conference, and that two of them shared graceful and representative testimonies. We pray that God may bless us to raise 300 one to ones, and to bring 200 SWS attendees from among the new students in this fall semester.

Jonathan Kim
