The 2nd JBF Conference Report, Japan

  • by WMD
  • Aug 29, 2011
  • 807 reads

"The expert in the law replied, 'The one who had mercy on him.' Jesus told him, 'Go and do likewise'” (Luke 10:37).

God blessed the 2nd JBF conference abundantly with a total of 11 attendees on August 12 -14 at Tokyo UBF.  On the first day, Joseph delivered a message full of grace with the title, “Eternal Life and Love,” based on Luke 10:25-37. Through his message, we learned the importance of practicing the love of God in our real lives. Afterward, there was orchestra practice and fellowship over playing sports.  

On the second day, we had a Bible study and testimony sharing based on the message of Junior K., who testified through the first main message about the faith and love of a centurion who cared for his servant wholeheartedly. Although this was his first time delivering a message, many juniors were moved by his message because he delivered it at their level, which they could understand easily.

Caleb K. Jr., a freshman in middle school, has attended the Sunday worship service 620 times since being born in a Christian family. He knows the Bible, the Ten Commandments, as well as the love of God in the Bible. However, he did not practice what he had learned. He said, “I know the Bible and the love, but I realized that I need to practice the love rather than just knowing it.” So he made a decision not to fight with his younger sister, but practice the love of God with her.        

In the evening, we watched a movie, “Don't Cry for Me, Sudan,” which was introduced to us by Grace L. in Chicago. It was a really heart-moving story of a former Catholic priest, Lee Taeseok, who devoted his life sacrificially for the people in southern Sudan. After the movie, we wrote sincere testimonies about how to practice the love of God and shared them altogether.

On the final day, Ishihara B., who has been in charge of the JBF ministry, delivered a powerful message with the title, “A Mother’s Love for a Daughter,” based on Mark 7:24-30. After the JBF conference, everyone attended the UBF worship service and served it with a chorus and a mini orchestra concert. The orchestra performance was excellent. Naomi has been in charge of serving the orchestra faithfully since last year and it has been improving a lot. We pray for the orchestra with the vision that they may perform at Waseda University and Tokyo University in God’s time and be used for God’s ministry.   

We thank God for blessing our JBF children to grow in faith and make decisions to love God and their neighbors through this conference. We also thank God for blessing each one of them to have deep fellowship in God through many activities, such as orchestra practice, sports, and so on during the conference. May God bless each one of them to grow as children of God and God’s servant to testify to the love of Jesus to 47 prefectures in Japan and 47 nations in Asia.   

Daniel, Tokyo.
