Mongolia I UBF News and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Aug 31, 2011
  • 960 reads

1.  Spring Ministry
We had a Spring Bible Conference on March 15-17. At this conference, 4 Bible teacher candidates were raised. Their names are Tsogjavhlan, Bilegchuluun, Duriimaa, and Enhtsetseg.

2. Summer ministry

The Summer Bible Conference was held on June 11. A special feature of this conference was that all the attendees wrote and shared their life testimonies together. In this way, we could get to know each other more deeply and build up mutual relationships with each other.

3. 4th Outreach Program

From August 7-14, Bayarmagnai, a full-time ministry worker, served an outreach program in local areas with 11 leaders for 8 days. This program is planned once a year and they mainly visit churches in rural areas which have barren and harsh environments and help the churches both spiritually and physically. It is such a good idea for the leaders because they learn the spiritual reality of Mongolia and it cultivates them to have a more desperate prayer for the nation with a clear prayer topic of raising Mongolia to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. In addition, it is an opportunity to introduce our organization and teach the Bible to prospective students in rural areas who are going to move to Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, to attend college. There are no colleges in the rural areas, so everyone comes to Ulan Bator for college.   

The countryside in Mongolia is very dangerous due to the lack of proper pavements, transportation, and public security, so to do this outreach program requires a martyrdom spirit. So before the trip, all the journey team members make their last will and testament. We thank God who enabled them to finish their mission and brought them back safely in his protection.

4. Five New Families

God raised 5 new families.  The following are their names and date of marriage: Darhanbat & Enhchimeg (5/7),  Munhtulga & Gantsetseg (6/18), Buuvebaatar & Battsetseg (6/18), Gal-Erdene & Oyunchmeg (8/20), Nyamsuren & Munhdelger (8/20)

May God bless and use each family to establish the work of the gospel in Mongolia and to be a blessing to many Mongolians. Especially, one of the families was appointed as a missionary family for Z nation and was sent out on August 28.  

5. Personal statement

I took a Mongol bar exam on August 13-14. By God’s grace I passed it and became a lawyer in Mongolia. May God use it to support my family and extend the work of God.

Bayarmagnai is serving as a full-time ministry worker in Mongol 1 UBF. He also mainly delivers the Sunday message with 6 other leaders who take turns. Our missionaries are supporting the ministry behind the scenes by praying for the Mongolian spiritual leaders to grow continually until they can serve God’s ministry independently. We are waiting on God’s time to serve a new pioneering ministry in prayer.  

Thanks for your prayer support!

M. Matthew L, Mongolia
