Venezuela Merdia UBF Inauguration Ceremony Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 05, 2011
  • 851 reads


J. D. (Merida UBF, Venezuela)

Praise and thank God for all the things that he has done in this time with our lives and in the work of spreading the gospel. Venezuela UBF has prayed for several years to pioneer the 6 major national universities: UCV in Caracas, USB in Caracas, ULA in Merida, LUZ in Maracaibo, UC in Valencia, and UDO in Barcelona. During this year, my wife and I was in constant prayer to see if God was willing that we pioneer the University of Los Andes (ULA) in Merida, which is a beautiful mountainous city located in the West of Venezuela. And for the last 4 months, God confirmed to us the opening of this university. My wife works for National Open University and in this year, there was an opening for the Merida branch, so she applied for it and was selected because she was the only person who applied. On June 1, we could sign the contract to rent a floor of a house nearby the university and we moved there in the middle of the same month. By the grace of God who provides all things, we could receive a vacation bonus and additional work income to buy something to prepare for the inauguration ceremony, which was celebrated on Aug. 21, 2011.

Caracas UBF gave us much monetary support to buy 12 chairs, 1 desk, 1 lectern, and 12 Bibles. And with our income, we bought decorations and food to serve the co-workers who came from Caracas and Valles del Tuy to support our inauguration. On Aug. 17, from Valles del Tuy, Doris, Alvaro, and Rosalba and her daughter arrived in Merida and the following day, José M., Franklin and Wuidiana arrived from Caracas. We visited the campus of ULA to preach and invite students to our Sunday worship service. The students of ULA received the word of God and many of them gave us their phone number. On Aug. 20, M. Juan S. joined us from Caracas and we visited the university together and prayed for the pioneering of this campus.

On Aug. 21 at 11 am, we had the inauguration ceremony with 12 people. M. Juan delivered a powerful message titled, “The work of God in Tyrannus,” based on Acts 19:1-10. From this message, we could receive much grace of God and the clear direction to establish our house church like a Bible center where disciples of Jesus will be raised up through Bible study. In his message, M. Juan focused on the importance of one person who repents of his sins and how God works through him. After the inauguration ceremony, we had lunch together and later, we walked around our house to know the area. Our Merida UBF Bible center is located at the gate of ULA where many students pass by and live. M. Juan asked us to pray to buy the house which we rent since the location is very strategic for campus mission and the price is very cheap, around $50,000, although it has 3 floors.           

On Aug. 22, we could have our first group Bible study with 5 students, some of who were Franklin, Yoselin, Cesar, and Rociel. I led Bible study on Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them.'” The students received the word of God well, especially Franklin who had to go to class in the middle of the Bible Study, but asked us to come to his home later to continue the Bible study. So we went to his home at 7 pm and continued the Bible Study with him, talking about many things from his life. We could experience that God sent us a student who is ready to accept Jesus and know God. During the conversation, Franklin made a decision to repent of his sins and make a confession of faith, accepting Jesus as his Savior. It was the best moment for us in Merida. Although we returned to our home at midnight wet from the rain, we felt very happy for God´s salvation work.     

Actually we have just started a long way of mission in Merida. I pray that God may grant us his wisdom, spiritual power, discernment, and necessary courage to serve this ministry in Merida so that students can learn the secret of the gospel deeply and follow Jesus. I pray that Merida may be a kingdom of priests and holy nation. Amen.
