La Plata UBF Visit and Prayer Topics, Argentina

  • by WMD
  • Sep 24, 2011
  • 977 reads

On September 20, Pastor Abraham K. and Jose A. arrived at the Buenos Aires airport from Caracas, Venezuela after an 8-hour trip. It was almost midnight, yet M. Isaac C, M. Juan M., and M. Marcos K. welcomed them. M. Isaac C. took them to his house in La Plata City (The Silver City). We could not see the famous long and wide La Plata River, but could experience the big ocean during our entire one and a half-hour drive.

M. Isaac C., M. Maria, Isaac Jr. (27), Esther (26; now in Chicago married to Wesley J. Jr.), and Maria (24) served the Buenos Aires chapter for a few years till 2006 when they were sent out to pioneer La Plata University. La Plata is one of the 5 big cities of Argentina and the capitol of the State of Buenos Aires. La Plata University has around 80,000 students. They are proud of producing two recent presidents from their university.  Three years ago M. Juan, M. Joana M., Juan Jr. (18), and Joseph (16) came from Korea to join M. Isaac C. They use their rented house as the Bible house near La Plata University. They are busy running their own business from early morning till late evening. M. Isaac began with a laundry business. Then God blessed him to open a shop selling women’s clothes on the busiest street of downtown.  Now God allowed him to open another shop two times bigger than the existing one. He also supported M. Juan to take over his old shop in Buenos Aires. In spite of their busy life, God is raising Jorge and Nadia as ancestors of faith like Abraham and Sarah for the La Plata ministry. They started studying Mark’s gospel on Sundays recently. P. Abraham K. had time to listen to them about their hard working missionary life and encouraged them, sharing his vision and plan for the future of UBF and also visited their shops and blessed them.

Prayer Topics:

1. Raise one ancestor of faith like Abraham
2. The second generation missionaries may establish families
3. Be successful in self-support through their business, not only to survive, but also to be used as a mission base that can bring other missionaries to Argentina and Latin countries
4. Support not only the La Plata chapter, but also the Buenos Aires chapter to pioneer all 23 states and make Argentina a missionary sending country to all Latin America countries and the world
