Buenos Aires Visit Report, Argentina

  • by WMD
  • Sep 26, 2011
  • 668 reads

In the afternoon of September 21, P. Abraham K., Isaac C., and Jose A. arrived in Buenos Aires from La Plata. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina with a population of 14 million, which is more than one third of the entire population of Argentina. The city looks like a modern city out of Europe. We saw many white European descendants and some morenos (white/local Indian).

Argentina was one of the most developed countries in the 1960-70s, but suffered from a war with Great Britain in the Falkland Islands, as well as an economic depression similar to Korea’s IMF crisis. Young people became distressed, losing hope for their nation and their future. In such a difficult time, God sent M. Don, Hannah, Paul, and John K. in 1999. At first, M. Don’s family was sent out from the Toledo chapter to Paraguay for a one-year short term missionary plan in 1998. However, M. Don and his family served the Buenos Aires pioneering mission for the last 12 years, denying their own plans. This past August, M. Don and John returned to Chicago while M. Hannah stayed behind to finish her contract as a teacher in the mission school. We thank and praise God for his family who could serve the Argentine ministry so sacrificially.

M. Marcos and Ruth’s family went to Paraguay the same year as M. Don’s. They served there for 7 years and then joined the Buenos Aires mission in 2004. The Buenos Aires chapter sent out M. Jose and Rebekah P. to pioneer Uruguay in 2006 and M. Isaac and Maria C. to pioneer La Plata. They also sent out one missionary to Morocco this year. Now M. Marcos and Ruth are taking care of the Buenos Aires ministry. M. Marcos delivers the Sunday message. The number of attendees for the Sunday worship service ranges from 9-20.

Recently, 5 sisters (Dorca, Claudia, Karen, Gladis, and Erendira) began to live together near the Bible house. M. Erendira is the leader of this girl’s house. She came from Mexico as a short-term missionary to study at UBA (University of Buenos Aires) with a major in Philosophy of Law. She will graduate from her Master’s course this November. She prays to stay in Argentina since she has a secure job already.

Pastor Abraham K. listened to and encouraged M. Hannah who sacrificed herself for the last 11 years as a teacher from 6 a.m. till late evening, taking care of the sisters and co-working with M. Marcos’ family. P. Abraham and Jose A. visited M. Marcos’ clothes shop and blessed them to triple their income. While P. Abraham was talking with M. Marcos, Ruth, and Hannah, M. Jose A. studied Genesis 2 with the 5 sisters who have been living together. After, they left for Bolivia at 6 a.m. on September 22.

Prayer topics for Argentina UBF:

1. M. Marcos to deliver powerful Sunday messages

2. Raise up one ancestor of faith like Abraham and 5 ancestors of faith like Sarah through the sisters’ house

3. Establish five new families in 2 years beginning with M. Erendira’s

4. Have a successful self-supporting ministry

5. M. Marcos and Ruth may have children as soon as possible

6. M. Hannah to go to Chicago at the end of October
