The publishing of the German Edition of "Called to Awaken the Laity" by Bonn UBF

  • by WMD
  • Sep 27, 2011
  • 766 reads

On Sept. 6, 2011, Bonn UBF, Germany had a special thanksgiving worship service at Andrea Hermes Akademie for the publishing of the German edition of "Called to Awaken the Laity." The author of the book is the late Rev. John H. Oak, Pastor Emeritus of Sarang Community Church. The principal of Disciples-Making Ministries International and Dr. Peter Chang of Bonn UBF translated the book into German and published the German edition. Several guests from Korea (Rev. Jung-hyun Oh, senior pastor of Sarang Community Church) and many important German church leaders (Rev. Peter P.J. Beyerhaus, Rev. Heinrich Derksen, and Rev. Dr. Jurgen Denker) attended and celebrated this event. Through this event, German UBF could have a good relationship with  the leaders from the German National Evangelical Alliance.

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