Kwangwoon UBF Campus Report on The New Semester Bible Conference, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Oct 02, 2011
  • 835 reads

September 2-4, Kwangwoon UBF held a Bible conference to celebrate the new semester at the University of Kwangwoon. The lectures were held in a campus lecture hall.  The total number of people were 65 and each day’s average was 55.


First day--Friday, Lecture 1: “Jesus Who Came To Call Sinners,” Luke 5:17-32,  Sh. Koh Mijung and Joanna Kim.

Second day--Saturday, Lecture 2: “Jesus Who Does Not Condemn,” John 8:1-11,  Sh. Koh Booja;  Lecture 3: “Father, Forgive Them,” Luke 23:1-56,  Sh. Park Heejung.

Third day--Sunday, September 4, “Christ of God” Luke 9:18-27, Sh. Yoon Aeja and by Sh. Namadlen.


1. All of the messengers were women. The Bible passages were the same as at the Summer Bible conference except that the speakers were different. All of the messengers were shedding tears when they delivered their messages. The Holy Spirit worked mightily among the attendees because of their sincere, repentant, and heart-moving messages.

2. We actively prepared the environment of the conference so that the Holy Spirit would work mightily through it. In order to get out of our easy-going mindset we named the conference, “campus opening conference” instead of just having an additional summer conference. We decided to have the Bible conference the first week of classes at the school, in order to avoid the Korean Thanksgiving holiday September 11-13. Beginning from the first week, all the women concentrated on inviting new students in the same way they prepared their messages, with all their hearts. They also were preparing the spiritual environment for the conference by spending all night at the center just as they did at the summer conference. Through this, the women have grown in the Holy Spirit.

3. The work of prayer. For the conference, all the coworkers participated in the prayer meetings, having each person pray for one hour each day at the center. Through this we all received clear confidence that God was pleased with our prayer and blessed our conference abundantly.

4. God blessed us so that we were able to bring the students who had attended our summer Bible conference to this Bible conference. God led each of them to make a clear commitment to Jesus through their advanced and sincere testimonies.