Kwanak III UBF Fall Bible Academy Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Oct 09, 2011
  • 849 reads

On Sept. 27-29, Kwanak III UBF held its Fall Bible Academy with the theme, "A New Beginning with God's Gift,” at a lecture hall in SNU in Seoul, Korea. We praise, thank, and give all the glory to our God who granted us the most graceful and blessed Bible academy than ever before! Prior to this academy, we held prayer meetings to pray for 50 SNU students to attend. Then God richly blessed our earnest prayers so that 58 SNU undergraduate students attended. We could all see that the Holy Spirit was working mightily among the students who attended the last summer Bible conference and was expanding his kingdom among campus souls.

Through the Bible academy, we could learn several important implications for the Kwanak III student ministry:

1. Freshmen who attended the 2011 Summer Bible Conference became the main participants of the academy. They are all growing disciples in the Luke team. They faithfully hosted the academy from beginning to end by taking part in the duo-drama, praise, presiding, ushering, and testimony sharing. They also willingly invited their classmates to the academy, making a decisive contribution to the number of attendees.

2. There was a great work of the Holy Spirit through the messages and testimonies. On the first day, Msn. H. D gave a farewell message based on John 2:1-10 just before leaving for C nation in Middle East as a missionary. On the second day, Gunhee Park, who is a growing disciple in the John team, delivered a powerful debut message with confidence from John 4:1-30. Through his message, many newcomers were greatly moved and could meet Jesus, the eternal living water. There were also three sincere testimonies, two were given by members of the Luke team and one by the John team.

3. We could establish a firm student-centered prayer vessel. After the academy, we had three consecutive days of dinner fellowship at the Bible club room on the campus. After dinner, many students presented their sincere and heart moving testimonies based on the word of God they received from the Bible academy. It felt like another Bible academy. We were all greatly moved when they shared their testimonies with many tears.

We praise and thank God for opening a new historical era of student ministry for us by sending many students through the Bible academy. We also thank God for all our coworkers' hard work and sacrifice for the academy. All the women co-workers met for united prayer meetings for the academy every morning, and laymen also actively participated in evening prayer meetings and in inviting students at the dormitories after work.

Reported by Daniel Byeon