Thailand Flooding News Update and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Nov 01, 2011
  • 1000 reads

Thank you for your prayer support for Thailand during this severe flood. In the northern part of Thailand, a small amount of water is slowly receding. However, many regions of Northern Thailand are still flooded and the government evacuated many people to shelters. The problem is that the roads around the UBF center will be flooded by the amount of water that has continued flowing down from the north to Bangkok. Fortunately, it has not happened yet. If it happens, we plan to have our worship service in a hotel temporally. In addition, because of the flood, the economy in Thailand is seriously damaged, as well as my personal business. Please pray for God’s mercy on the people of Thailand who are undergoing  hardships and suffering. Please pray for the flood to end soon and especially for our growing leaders to grow in faith through it.

Peter Lee
