Jong-Ro 1 UBF Ministry Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Nov 01, 2011
  • 882 reads

We will swallow them up

"Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them." (Numbers 14:9)

Jong-Ro 1 ministry sent 55 co-workers to pioneer Seoul National University (SNU 5) in 2001. Since then, we have sent 40 missionaries. Now, we have about 100 Sunday worship service attendants. We pray for Jong-Ro 1 to be a power station for Bible Korea and World mission.

God blessed our 2011 Summer Bible Conference with 39 students, including 19 freshmen. They participated in freshman band and drama and shared wonderful testimonies. We formed a freshmen team and named them "11 Camels". We pray for them to grow as history makers in this generation.

As a staff member of Jong-Ro 1, I wanted to be a good example by serving one fellowship. I have prayed for my fellowship everyday for the last 7 years. God answered my prayers and established 7 house churches and pioneered 2 other fellowships. I met one sophomore student who was studying Law in Sung-Gyun Univ. Although he was not faithful, I didn't give up on him, but prayed faithfully for 7 years. After failing to get into law school, he came to Jesus. Later, he was able to enter Sung-Gyun Law School. He now lives in common life and is growing in God. He became the  second best student in the Law School last semester and received $11,000 as a scholarship. He made a decision to serve God wholeheartedly during his Law School years. Through serving a student of a top college, I now have confidence to conquer Sung-Gyun Univ. with the gospel.

I wanted to be a good example in fishing ministry and decided to meet 1000 students last year. Although I felt fear and was burdened, I denied and challenged myself. Through this decision, God granted me true, Christian joy. I finally met a Chinese international junior student who was studying Korean Literature. He speaks Korean fluently and is growing as a good bible teacher.

I went fishing 2-3 times every week to learn God's shepherd heart. I prayed to meet a freshman student this year and God granted me one freshman student who was an atheist and whose father was the same age with me. Despite our barriers, God has worked in him.  He has been coming to Bible study, team group meetings and worship service faithfully. He participated in band and drama during the Summer Bible Conference. He repented of his sins as an atheist and prayed to meet Jesus personally through his testimony. Through his change, I learned that God can change any kind of person whose heart is hard. Above all, I give thanks to God who used me as a good example. Although I am old as a staff member, God granted me 1:1 students and grew them as I went fishing faithfully. Through this, other leaders have been challenged and learned faith.

When I made a decision to be a good example as a staff member, a fellowship leader and a Bible teacher, I overcame my expectations for other coworkers. I am now enjoying my shepherd life no matter what others do.

I also learned the importance of living as an example in co-working and in financial matters. Jong-Ro 1 had a financial problem because of lack of offering from co-workers. God convicted me to be an example. I decided to tithe $700 as the most among Jong-Ro 1 co-workers although I didn't make much money as a staff member. When I did it by faith, God granted me exactly $700 more every month for 3 years. This became a great testimony to other co-workers and they decided to offer sacrificially. In this way, God solved our financial problems and enabled us to buy a nice van and support other co-workers and missionaries.

Through serving Jong-Ro 1, I learned that by faith we can overcome all difficulties in this generation. "We will swallow them up!" To have this faith, I have to pray honestly. I pray to have faith in God through prayer and overcome my failure mentality and desperation. I pray for Jong-Ro 1 to have a spirit of prayer until we become a good example and power station for World Mission and United Korea.

One Word: We will swallow them up!