Anam I UBF Fall Discipleship Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Nov 14, 2011
  • 765 reads

From October 29-30, Anam 1 UBF held its fall discipleship conference with the theme, “I Am He,” at the Furi conference center in Koyngki, Korea. The number of attendees was 125 which included 30 students.

We thank God for his mighty work among these 30 students just as we had earnestly prayed for the number before the conference. We give all the glory to our God who granted us the most graceful and blessed Bible conference than ever before. Through the conference we tried to plant the gospel message about Jesus in the hearts of new students rather than to teach difficult Bible passages. That is why we prepared messages focusing on the young students based on John 3, 4, and 5; and on Daniel 1. The closing message was entitled, “Daniel Who Resolved Not To Defile,” from Daniel 1:8.

Through the lectures, we all learned about the truth of being born again, Jesus the living water, Jesus the healer, and about Daniel’s resolution of faith. We also met Jesus who said, “I am He,” and who is the fundamental problem solver; and we made decisions to live as disciples of Jesus.

Sh. Bansuk Park, before the conference, was lying down helplessly in a small room in the brother’s common life house because he could not get a job that he longed for. But when he prepared his message he listened to the voice of Jesus and his heart starting burning. So he delivered a graceful and heart moving message entitled, “Do You Want To Get Well?” based on John 5. Then nine students (freshmen and sophomores) each presented a graceful symposium with humor based on the book, Pilgrims Progress.


Another nine students (juniors and up) had a wonderful symposium entitled, “Men Of Faith,” from Hebrews 11. Each one made a decision of faith to follow the footsteps of their ancestors of faith.  During the conference we all became one in Jesus’ love and could enjoy him through praise, drama, and the camp-fire.

The next day we also learned about the spirit of koinonia through soccer and dodge ball.  Though we  were in the midst of the tight conference schedule, by God’s grace we all we able to write and share testimonies four by four by managing our time well.  There were seven newcomers (from C nation) who attended. Four of them are under the loving care of their Bible teachers and are faithful to one to one Bible study and have been attending a lunch meeting at the campus since the conference finished. It was an intensive one day Bible conference which began on Saturday at 4 p.m. and finished on Sunday at 4 p.m.; but it was a wonderful conference that God gave us.

We again praise and thank God for blessing this conference with his abundant word and for the 30 new students who are being raised as student disciples.  Earlier this year, all the Anam UBF coworkers made a clear decision to make our ministry into a powerful prayer vessel ministry, so each day we all have gathered together at the center and have been fully dedicated to prayer. God was so pleased with our earnest prayer and gave us his abundant blessing through the conference.

We pray that God may grow those students through one to one Bible study, leading them into the deep and wide world of Jesus so that they might be powerful servants of God for this wicked and perverse generation. We also pray for all our student leaders, including all our coworkers, that they may continue to depend on God alone, devoting themselves for student ministry for the glory of God.
