Hanyang I UBF Fall Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Nov 16, 2011
  • 953 reads

Count the stars if indeed you can count them!

He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Gen 15:5)

Hello. I’m shepherd Moses Kim from the Hanyang I chapter. I want to report on our 2011 fall conference which was held November 5-6.

Shepherd Luke Min delivered the opening message from Isaiah 40:27-31 entitled, “Those Who Hope In The Lord.” Shepherd DongGyu Che delivered the first main lecture from Genesis 15 entitled, “Count The Stars If Indeed You Can Count Them,” and Moses Gu delivered the second main lecture from Galatians 5:13-26 entitled, “Serve One Another Humbly In Love.” EunJu Jung delivered the morning message from Genesis 17 entitled, “You Will Be The Mother Of Nations.”

We divided the symposium presentations at the conference into two kinds. Sheep shared the “Symposium of Blessing” from Genesis 12:1-2, and they accepted God’s calling deeply in their hearts. The other coworkers shared the “Symposium of Stars” from Genesis 15, and they accepted God’s vision for them. Shepherd Luke Min served God for a long time, but he felt burdened by his life of faith. He delivered a challenging message to encourage coworkers to have hope in the LORD; it was so graceful, and revealed to us a clear direction.

Shepherd DongGyu Che delivered a message about how the vision toward the kingdom of God had a significant role in the life of the children of God. He shared his desire and vision to become a staff shepherd in HanYang UBF, and to devote himself to the ministry of pioneering and world mission. He specifically decided to apply for a Ph.D. in HanYang University, and during his studies, he decided to raise up twelve disciples of Jesus. Shepherd Moses Gu delivered the message about how serving each other in a communion of saints is important. We have a tendency to become lawful when we serve the ministry. His message suggested a clear direction to us.

Shepherdess EunJu Jung delivered the morning grace message. She also shared her life testimony during the message. Before she met Jesus, Shepherdess EunJu Jung had a dream but because of financial problems, her dream did not come true; she felt deep despair. But after Bible study, she accepted Jesus and she was totally transformed into a new creation. She testified in her life testimony very well. We thank God to help her to be covered with the vision of the mother of nations.

From the fall conference, firstly, we thank God that he allowed us to have eleven servants of the word through messengers, testimony speakers, and symposium speakers. We thank God for his calling to the youth, and for the mission and vision he granted us. We especially give thanks to God for helping Sarah Jung Jr., Tao Kkong, Moses Kim Jr., SongEee Song, WonSeop Lee, HyangGi Kim, Maria Cho, and Jahshu Ching to be covered with the vision and to accept God’s calling toward God’s mission.

Secondly, we decided raise up and sent out five thousands Missionaries by 2041 to all nations. We also decided to grow as a mission community including a thousand disciples for this mission.

Thirdly, we thank God for helping us to decide the direction, for all the coworkers to invite one sheep and serve them with all their life like Jesus.

Fourthly, we decided to become a community devoted to world mission. We sent Samuel and OkHee Lee as African Missionaries; it was very challenging to us and revealed to us a clear direction of world mission. God helped us to invite sheep and shepherds from around the world and train them as well as send out missionaries from our chapter. Brothers Tao Kkong, JhaShu Ching, shepherd David Li and James Lee, and shepherdesses Maria Lee and YuJung attended the conference; we were challenged by them. Brother JhaShu Ching accepted Jesus as his Lord and God’s calling to the Campus Mission. He decided to become a shepherd for his life. Second generation missionary Maria Cho from Argentina met Jesus personally, and she decided to become a shepherdess in Argentina.

Fifthly, God help us to devote ourselves in prayer during the conference through the Early Prayer Meetings, Tribes Prayer Meetings, and Friday Only Prayer Meeting. We thank God! We pray that God may help us to watch his authority and powerful working only by continuous prayer.

Lastly, we thank God for giving us a graceful drama and special music programs. We thank God for giving us a clear vision for the HanYang chapter at this fall conference. We pray that our chapter can raise a thousand disciples and become a center in the mission community. We pray that God may help us to send out five thousands missionaries by prayer and challenge us based on his word. We pray that God may help us to serve a portion of the UBF World Mission Prayer Topic, “to raise up and send out 100,000 Missionaries by 2041.”

Shepherd Moses Kim
From HanYang I, Korea


