UBF History of Pioneering Asia by M. Jimmy Lee

  • by WMD
  • Nov 27, 2011
  • 1498 reads


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt 24:14)

“Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)


In 2025, six of every ten people in the world will live in Asia.  The largest non-Christian population belongs to Asia. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” The precondition of Jesus’ second coming hinges upon the gospel works in Asia because 50% of unreached tribes live in Asia. Asia is like a department of religion. Communist China has 1.3 billion people,  India has 1.2 billion who are mostly Hindu, Indonesia has 250 million who are mostly Muslim, Japan has 120 million mostly atheist; Thailand, Sri-Lanka and Mongolia are strongly Buddhist

Many Asian countries prohibit foreigners to preach the gospel. So many gospel ministers preach secretly with jobs as businessmen, students, diplomats, etc. Asia is truly a field ripe for harvest. Numerous souls are groaning under sin and darkness and are eagerly waiting for harvest workers who will guide them to the way of salvation and eternal life. Asia is a spiritual battle ground to prepare for the second coming of Jesus in the new millennium.

The small torch of gospel mission in UBF began in Kwangju, Korea in 1961 by Dr. Samuel Lee and American missionary Sarah Barry. Korea was once ruled by the ideals of Buddhism, Confucianism and ancestor worship. But in the 20th century Korea became a Christian nation and sent many missionaries. Korea was transformed from an idol-worshiping country to a missionary-sending country. Korea is a role model for Asia pioneering history. NK was the site of great spiritual revival in the early 20th century even though presently the NK people are suffering greatly under communist rule. It is our earnest prayer that people in NK may hear the gospel message freely in God’s time. Therefore, we need to look at the pioneering history of Asia in the context of what God has done in Korea. God used Asia pioneering work to serve Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Communists. We cannot overemphasize the importance of pioneering Asia from the Biblical point of view.


In the early 1970’s, Korea was a poor country struggling to rise from the ashes of the Korean War. Korea suffered much from bitter civil war, costing many lives. Under Dr. Lee’s vision in the late 1960’s, UBF began to send out tent-maker missionaries to West Germany as nurses and then to the USA and Canada. Lay missionaries sent to advanced countries became an engine to revive the Korean economy and brought optimism to the Korean people. The Holy Spirit guided early UBF missionaries to America, a modern day Rome, to lay a foundation for world mission. The early pioneers were full of a giving spirit and they wanted to give their lives to serve and raise native shepherds in foreign lands.

Asia pioneering was not a priority at that time. But God’s appointed time came.  From 1986, God sent missionaries to Asia through the Holy Spirit. HK was the door for entering into Asia. HK has 7 million people, mostly Taoists and Buddhists, with only 12% Christians.   In 1986, M. Angela was sent to HK after getting a job in a Korean company. She was the first UBF missionary to Asia. As God used Lydia to pioneer Europe (Acts 16:14), so God used M. Angela as a Lydia of Asia pioneering history. The pioneering work was not easy. She underwent brain surgery three times. God trained her to endure hardship personally. But she did not give up her pioneering spirit. She served Hong Kong students with sacrificial love and resurrection faith. She offered her five loaves and two fish for HK pioneering mission. As a result, HK UBF has grown rapidly by raising 6 native Sunday messengers and more than 115 Sunday worshipers. Now 5 chapters are having worship service independently and 6 Korean missionaries are co-working together. We thank and praise God for using M. Angela so preciously as a mother of prayer for HK campus souls.


Today there are 850 million Hindus in the world, mostly in India. There are 500 tribes who have never heard the gospel message. Most of them live in the 10/40 window between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. India is located in the middle of this window. In view of mission strategy, India is vital to evangelize the unreached tribes. God prepared servants for this mission. Korea caught the industrial explosion and many companies sent construction workers to build highways, offshore process platforms and factories overseas.

In March 1987, M. Jimmy L was sent to New Delhi as a branch office manager of Hyundai Heavy Industries. He began to pray to pioneer 28 states of India and 320 universities by raising up national shepherds. He started to pioneer JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University). After office work, he visited the campus nearly everyday and prayed to raise up ancestors of faith. God accepted his prayer and sent three Bible students. Surprisingly God blessed all of them to be missionaries. They are Pastor Abraham Lincoln at Yale University, Pastor Moses Lenthang in Chicago and M. Mathew Singh in Portugal. After that, God continuously blessed them to raise national shepherds and shepherdesses and Indian missionaries. At present, India UBF has two chapters in New Delhi (JNU & DU North) and one chapter in Bangalore (South India) and one chapter in Gorakpur (U.P. state). Four native shepherds (James, Samuel, Active & Anil) are serving as Sunday worship messengers. Disciple converts from Hinduism are growing in DU North Center where shepherd Samuel’s family serves. Dr. John Bunyan’s and M. James Kang’s house churches are serving Bangalore UBF in South India, Karnataka state. They are pioneering Christ University and some brothers are growing as disciples of Jesus. At present only 7 Korean missionaries are serving in India, so India UBF needs many missionary co-workers.

India has 1.2 billion people; 80% are Hindus and 12% Muslims. Christians are only 2%,  mostly Catholic. Preaching by foreigners is prohibited by the government, so all the missionaries in India are serving in positions of business, education, etc. 50% of the world’s unreached tribes with more than 100,000 people are in India.  India is an idol-worshipping country ripe for harvest. India UBF is praying to raise 320 professor shepherds to pioneer all the campuses of India and also to send many Indian missionaries to the un-pioneered countries.  

Dr. Samuel Lee had a deep concern and shepherd heart for the dark, idol-worshiping people of Asia and he sent encouraging letters to missionaries. He could not visit many Asian countries before he went to heaven, but he supported Asia mission through prayer and encouraging letters and phone calls. To encourage Asia pioneering ministry, especially for India, he invited two Indian shepherds (Abraham Lincoln and Moses Lenthang) to Chicago for full time shepherd training. They both established blessed house churches, received leadership training and have remained as pioneering missionaries. Through them, and Mathew Singh in Portugal, India has begun to be a missionary-sending country.


The pioneering of the Muslim world is a great challenge to Christian mission. Over 1.1 billion people in the world are Muslims. Islam is one of the fastest growing major religions, largely as a result of population growth in Asia and Africa. The majority of Muslims live in South Asia, not in the Middle East. Over 80% of all Muslims have never heard the gospel, yet they regard Jesus as a key prophet. We are earnestly praying to evangelize the Muslim world.

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population. Among 250 million Indonesians, 88% are Muslims and 9% are Christians. Indonesia UBF was pioneered by Andrew Chung in December 1989 and he invited Peter Lee in June 1990 as a student missionary. In 1991, Peter Kim also joined the Indonesia pioneering mission. There are four chapters in Indonesia with 10 missionary families. Many women of faith were raised, but comparatively fewer men disciples, so they pray for raising many shepherds too. At present 10 house churches have been established. Two native shepherds (Abraham Jones and Hengki) are delivering Sunday messages with 125 SWS participants. By faith Indonesia UBF built a new beautiful Bible center with a dedication ceremony in January 2008 just after the 2nd Asian National Directors Conference in Jakarta. Indonesia UBF is praying to pioneer 400 universities. M. Peter Lee is an exemplary disciple-maker who has raised Muslim students as native leaders. Though he received many threats and persecutions from Muslim neighbors, God has used him preciously to pioneer the National University of Indonesia at Depok.   

Brunei has a population of only 380,000 but is a very rich country because of its natural resources, especially oil. 80% of the population is Muslim and 5% is Christian. Brunei was pioneered by A. J family in 1998. Wife is working and husband is completing his studying. They are praying to raise up one ancestor of faith.


Buddhism’s influence is strong in Asia, including Korea. In 1989, Japan was pioneered. Japanese are largely atheists who worship ancestors, Shinto and Buddha and materialism as a strong economic power. So it is not easy to preach the gospel to Japanese. However, from 1989 our missionaries struggled much to plant the seed of the gospel. God blessed the pioneering ministry by raising 7 native shepherds and shepherdesses, including Shp. Abraham Noji as a Sunday messenger in Osaka UBF. At present M. Daniel Jeong is serving as the national director of Japan UBF and 52 missionaries are serving in 15 chapters. In addition, 67 2nd Gens are growing as future mission co-workers. 

Thailand has 62 million people, who are mostly Buddhist. Thailand UBF was pioneered by Peter Banseok Lee in July 1993. Thailand is a strong Buddhist country and a world renowned tourist country, so it is not easy to serve gospel ministry. But the Holy Spirit has worked to raise 2 native shepherds and 4 shepherdesses and Sunday worshipers have increased to 15-20 members.  Native shepherd Dr. Mongkol sometimes delivers the Sunday message. Thailand UBF held the 5th Asia Directors Conference in Bangkok in January this year.  

Sri-Lanka has 20 million people. 70% are Buddhists, 16% Hindus, 7% Muslims, and  7% Christians. Sri-Lanka UBF was pioneered in 1994 but the pioneering work officially began after M. Barnabas Baek arrived.. He operates an educational institute and also has been studying for a Ph.D. in mathematics. God accepted his prayers and sent one missionary family in 2010 as co-workers. Sri-Lanka is a strong Buddhist country and they do not allow prayer meetings on campus. Pray for M. Barnabas Baek to complete his Ph.D. study and raise Christian converts from Buddhism.


The Philippines has 85 million people, with 80% who identify as Christian or Catholic, and 20% Muslims. PhilippineUBF was established by Dr. William Altobar in March 1989. Dr. William Altobar served UBF ministry without missionary help. God blessed his campus pioneering ministry abundantly. God sent M. John Jeong’s family in 2008 and M. Paul Koh’s family in 2009 to the Philippines. There are 9 Philippine chapters: 7 chapters are served by Philippine shepherds. Four Philippine shepherds are delivering Sunday messages.  Philippine UBF has sent missionaries to UAE, Saudi Arabia, England, Canada and the USA.

Mongolia has a population of 2.8 million, with 90% Lama Buddhist, 6% Muslim and 1% Christian. Mongolia UBF was pioneered by Aquila Shin in 1991. Later Matthew Lim and Paul Kwon joined. There are two chapters in Mongolia and God blessed the pioneering ministry abundantly. Our missionaries even made a translation of the Bible into Mongolian  There are 10 missionaries and 130 SWS participants. Two native shepherds are delivering Sunday messages. From 2010, M. Paul Kwon has served as the national director of Mongolia. 

Singapore is also a rich country, so it is not easy to preach the gospel, even though there is freedom to preach the gospel. The population is 4.8 million with 70% Buddhist and 15% Christian. Singapore UBF was pioneered by Joshua Hong’s family in May 2001. M. Pauline has been working in the Korean Embassy for a long time and M. Joshua is studying his Ph.D. program and serving gospel ministry. There are two chapters and three missionary families.

Vietnam is a communist nation with 8.5 million people. Vietnam UBF was pioneered by Joshua & Maria Jin. Maria Jin is struggling to restore her health from breast cancer surgery, staying in Korea for treatment. Please pray for the recovery of M. Maria Jin’s health. God sent one more missionary family in 2009 through his company work in Hanoi. Vietnam UBF is praying to raise one man of faith.

Taiwan UBF was pioneered by Dr. Mark Hui and shepherdess Gloria’s house church, sent from Hong Kong UBF. From August 2006, M. Mi-Joo Im also joined Taipei UBF ministry for two years and returned to Korea after finishing her MA course. Taipei UBF is pioneering NTU campus and 5-6 students are participating in Sunday worship.

In February 2007, God sent Dr. Steve and Dr. Allison Haga to Kaohsiung (South Taiwan). Steve is a computer science professor in NSYSU. Through his invitation, many students came to Bible study. His wife Dr. Allison translated his English message into Taiwanese. Through their sacrificial serving, 12-14 members are participating in worship. They are praying to pioneer 140 Taiwanese campuses. Steve is an exemplary and effective missionary as an American Ph.D. shepherd. Please pray for many more American shepherds to be raised and sent as missionaries.

C and NK are located on the Asian continent and they are in our prayers. God is doing his mighty work in C though we cannot say much due to security issues. God sent many American English teachers to Y--T to help C and Korea Diaspora second generation missionaries to study the word of God. P--T opened in 2010. It was a miracle that this foreign university was built at communism’s headquarters. We pray that God may use P--T to raise up many future spiritual leaders and gospel workers and lay a foundation for the evangelism of NK. We pray for the reunification of South and NK. Several UBF people have visited NK with a medical team to pray and plant the seeds of the gospel. 


Asia UBF pioneering history spans only a quarter century. But God has done marvelous works through many missionaries in Asia. Asia will play a significant role to prepare the coming of Jesus to establish his kingdom. When all Asian countries are reached with the gospel, then the end will come. There are many barriers, including language, economy and culture to pioneer Asian nations. However, just as God has worked miracles in the last 50 years in Korea, God will do his miracles in Asia, even C and NK. Our prayer direction is that we may send more missionaries to pioneer the Asian continent. May God reach Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and non-believers through our missionaries who obey Jesus’ Great Commission. It is time for us to renew our life-giving spirit to reach all Asian countries with the manger spirit of Jesus. One mission strategist commented, “Asia is like a huge forest to burn with the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a fire of the gospel work.” In the next 50 years, God will establish Asia as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation to spread the gospel message to the ends of the earth. May God who used Korea as a missionary sending nation, use Asia as a missionary sending continent. Amen!

One Word: Look at Asia! It is ripe for harvest.