2011 Oceania Directors/Missionaries Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 25, 2011
  • 945 reads


Explore the Promised Land

The 2011 Oceania Directors/Missionaries Conference was held at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia from December 20-22. There were 26 attendees in total: 4 from Sydney, 2 from Canberra, 1 from New Zealand, 7 from Macquarie, 9 from Melbourne, and 3 international attendees (P. Abraham and M. Sarah Kim and Stephen Ahn).

On the first day, we started the Revelation lectures, which were directed by Stephen Ahn.  The lectures spanned five sessions and over one and a half days. Through this series of intensive lectures, we learned the framework of how we approach and study the book of Revelation. We accepted that we share the message of God with Jesus’ compassion and love for the perishing souls in this world regardless of the current situation.  All the missionaries positively participated in the lectures and we had deep discussions which offered insight during the studies.

On the last day of the conference, the Bible study on Numbers 13:1-14:24 was conducted in two groups. The women missionary group was led by M. Sarah Kim and the men missionary group by Stephen Ahn.  Upon concluding our Bible studies, we listened to the message delivered by P. Abraham Kim.  He was full of energy and power which influenced all the missionaries to be strengthened and encouraged.  He emphasized that we must conquer the promised land given by God with faith and obedience, that we must follow God wholeheartedly like Caleb and Joshua.  He urged us to be charged by the word of God and continue to fight the good fight for the work of God in Oceania.  P. Abraham Kim said that the campuses in Oceania are the promised land. Through this message, we renewed our prayer topic of pioneering 50 campuses in Oceania (40 in Australia, 7 in New Zealand, and 3 in Papua New Guinea).
