ME New Year's Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Dec 28, 2011
  • 875 reads

Our New Year's conference was on December 15-17. A total of 38 attended, including second gens. On the first day, JK delivered the opening message with the title, “Now Is the Time,” based on 2 Corinthians 6:1-1.

On the second day, PK from P shared a mission report. Eight people were converted there. His report was really heart moving and challenged us to serve the work of God without giving up. After, M delivered a ten-minute message. Abraham Kim, the general director, also spoke on the first main message based on Numbers 13-14. Through his message, we learned that we need absolute faith in God who already gave us this land as a promised land to conquer. Based on his faithful promise, we continue to take up the challenge to conquer this land with a pioneering spirit.  

In the afternoon, we had testimony writing and sharing time. In the evening, brother R shared his life testimony and Teddy’s communion service followed. We were so moved by the communion service because it reminded us of the profound meaning of Christ’s deep suffering for our salvation. After the communion service, we gathered together to discuss the 2012 continental conference and its place and date.

On the third day, we had a group Bible study based on 1 Peter 1:1-12 and Moses delivered the message with the title, “A Living Hope.” Through his message, we learned we must hold firmly to our identity as chosen apostles and holy strangers in this world. In the afternoon, R delivered a 10-minute message and Nehemiah K gave us a lecture about the kingdom of God for two hours. The lecture was full of grace and very deep. He was like a Bible scholar researching the Old Testament in depth.

Finally, M served the closing message with the title, “Prayer of the Widow.” We thank God who blessed the ME conference abundantly. We thank God for the fellowship we could have with one another in ME and also the servants of God who came from far distances to serve and pray for us. We continue to pray for 22 countries in ME and for ancestors of faith to be raised up in each country.    

