T Nation Christmas Seminar Program and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Dec 30, 2011
  • 812 reads

(The Program is attached below)

Dear friends and coworkers.

I am writing this notice to you with great joy and happiness. Jesus Christ, our Savior and the glorious Son of God was born to us and laid in manger in order to become a servant and a friend of sinners. He died for us and rose again after 3 days to reign as King forever. My heart is full of joy when I think about the GREAT MERCY of God revealed to this sinner who was dying in sins and yet lives again.

As the year 2011 slowly goes away and gives place to 2012, I can't but repent all my sins and foolishness and admit that it is only by God's grace that we are still alive and active. He promised that no one would ever be able to snatch us out of his hand and this promise is constantly helping me to overcome the problems I face here, in my mission field. Our God Emmanuel, who has always been with us since our Savior removed the barrier of sin, will lead us back to our home in heaven.

When we came to T in 2005, we began to raise disciples among students. We were trying to do it in our usual way, but we failed because of our sins and impure motives. Then, we thought that maybe the students were not interested because they all were from the best college in T and were quite well-off. So, we decided to try to preach to the other (!) young people, destitute or somehow unsuccessful. Many of them came but no one grew. Many were seeking better life conditions only. We failed again because of lack of prayer and spiritual insight. Now, I am standing on the verge of 2012, recognizing that despite all my sins, GOD IS WITH US, just as he promised.

What can I say? I'd like to promise to God that I would always pray in 2012 and teach the Bible to students just as he called me to do, but I don't know now if I must promise this. It's him who can support me in this age of corruption. So many preachers miserably failed in terms of living a holy life, let alone the ministry. It's only HIM who can enable me to stand up against temptations. So I rejoice with all my heart that God purified my motives so I can become his servant. What a joy, that God Emmanuel has always been and will always be with us !

We'll hold our Christmas seminar on Dec.30 – Jan.1 (The Program is attached below). We will also celebrate the new coming year of 2012. We kindly invite you, if you want and can, to join us and spend a couple of days in T, reading the Holy Bible, visiting museums and going on a trip :) In any case, we are humbly asking you to pray for us (you can find the program in the attachment). May God Emmanuel abundantly bless your lives, your families and ministries in 2012.

Our prayer topics:

1.     To exalt Jesus' name above all names in T

2.     To raise 12 disciples of Jesus

3.     To establish 1 house church

4.     To live as God's people

Your debtor, J Point.