2012 Asia Director’s Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 14, 2012
  • 1205 reads

The Asia Director’s Conference was held in a resort hotel near a hot spring from January 12-14. Forty-one attendees, including national directors from ten Asian countries, were abundantly blessed by God’s powerful messages and programs throughout the conference.

On the first day, M. Daniel Jeong, who is the continental director of Asia, delivered an opening message titled, “Continue to Work Out Your Salvation With Fear and Trembling” (Php 2:12-18). We were blessed to learn that we should recover the love and heart we had when we first believed Jesus and try to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. After that, ten national directors gave their annual mission reports and we praised God for his wonderful work in each country. For the evening program, there was a special lecture by John Park from Kwangju UBF, Korea about early church history, and we learned how important it is to confess that Jesus is the Christ in this world overflowing with postmodernism and relative thoughts. Another special lecture was "Father’s School" by M. Peter Kim of Indonesia. Through it, we could consider again who the one called a father is.

On the second day, after a joyful and deep group Bible study, the general director, Pastor Abraham Kim, delivered a powerful message about not to fear or despair before our unfavorable situation, but follow God with the spirit and whole heart of Caleb. God was touching our hearts and encouraged us to pioneer our campuses with a spiritual appetite to devour a well prepared delicious meal. Based on the message, all the participants struggled to write a testimony, and God’s word worked in each of us to repent of our unbelief and sins and helped us decide to follow God with the heart of Caleb.

As a special lecture in the evening, M. Joseph Ahn presented a precious lesson on God’s wilderness training like in Exodus for the new generation. The lecture reminded us of God's father-like love through discipline, and we appreciated the value of wilderness training and renewed our attitude toward God’s training.

On the third day, through the group Bible study and second main message titled, “Give Me a Double Portion of Your Spirit” (2 Kings 2) by Giseong Om from Shinchun UBF, Korea, we realized we should ask not for better conditions, but for the Holy Spirit to serve God’s work, and we prayed to be spiritually inspired and be used for the double ministry in 2012. Finally there was a closing message titled, “Awesome Grace” (Luke15:11-32), by Dr. John Talavera from the Philippines who was like a prodigal son who came back to God. He testified to God’s love and asked us to share this awesome grace with our campus Bible students. Afterward, we praised God for his wonderful words and programs throughout the conference and we earnestly prayed to send missionaries to 13 countries not pioneered yet in Asia.
