Kyoungsung UBF New Year's Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jan 15, 2012
  • 694 reads

“Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders”(Numbers 13:2)

In order to refresh our pioneering spirit in the new year, 2012, which is the beginning of another UBF 50th, we marched around our pioneering campuses seven times, seven days early in the morning, as the people of Israel did marching around seven times when conquering the city, Jericho in the Bible.

Our sister shepherds actively did it first and brother shepherds followed it right after the early morning prayer meeting on Monday Dec. 26. Each group marched around the campus once a day and at the seventh day they marched around the campus seven times. The last day we all loudly shouted to the campus " Let the evil wall of the campus fall down". Each group finished with united prayer, earnestly praying for raising disciples among freshmen and for the work of God's word in 2012.  

We also had a new year's conference with the theme "Explore the land of Canaan". We divided into four groups on Jan. 7-8 at the main center building  and the newly built education center.  
 All the messengers poured out their whole hearts into their message preparation for just for a week and delivered graceful and powerful messages.

At the same time, JBF members had a their own conference. Some of the JBF children who are living in a distance place willingly stayed together at the center preparing the conference programs. The main lecture1 was entitled "Explore the land of Cannan" based on Numbers13,14. The main lecture 2 was entitled “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” from 2  Kings 2.

The medical school team gave the message by Sh. James Hong and Sh.Abraham Han; the Dentist school team by Sh.Younghoon Koh and Sh.Taejin Kim;  the Pharmacy school and Catholic school team by Sh. Dongwon Lee and Sh. Isaac Park.
After finishing the first day's lecture we gathered fellowship by fellowship and shared new year's key verse testimonies having new direction and prayer topics. After that we all began to write testimonies based on the main lecture having a graceful time in the word of God till late night.

The next day we had a group Bible study based on 2 Kings 2 and had a Sunday worship service based on the same passage. Though it was a short term Bible conference, it was meaningful to each of us that we could begin another UBF 50th with a new pioneering spirit and new decisions of faith. We give all the glory to God for our new year's conference.

Dr. James Suh (Kyoungsung UBF) 
