Philippine UBF Sunday Worship Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 16, 2012
  • 1138 reads


After the Asia directors conference, Pastor Abraham and Sarah Kim, David and Sarah Kim, and some remaining missionaries attended the united Philippines Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. Philippines UBF began when American missionary, Quilaton, who studied the Bible with Dr. Ben Toh, came here two decades ago. He raised one disciple, Dr. William, before he returned to the USA. Dr. William became a kernel of wheat who served God unselfishly, making disciples. God blessed Philippines UBF abundantly to grow to to have five chapters led by S.Timothy Ipapo, Dr. John Talavera, Dr. Paul Koh, M. John Jeong, and Dr. William.

They have two buildings, both with three floors. The first floor of the main building is used as a place of worship, the second floor as an office and guest rooms, and the third floor as a house for 6-8 women disciples. The next building is used as Dr. William’s house church, as well as the men disciples' house. Around 100 attended from the five chapters of the Philippines.

Noah, the fiancé of Lina (NEIU UBF, Chicago), presided. The prayer servants prayed for M. Joshua Hong of the Hyde Park ministry (Andrew of Hyde Park married A. M of the Philippines), Tim M. of Chicago, and  world mission among several prayer topics.

P. Abraham Kim delivered a message from Philippians 2:2, “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” He encouraged the Filipino co-workers to be united in Christ and love one another by imitating the humility of Jesus.

P. Abraham Kim shared how God trained him to learn Jesus’ humility. In 1976, after accepting the forgiveness of sins, he went to Oregon for his PhD. There God blessed him to raise several faithful disciples. Among them, God raised P. Ron of Chicago. In 1986, God sent him back to Korea to pioneer new chapters and disciples. In 1995, God called him to Chicago to succeed Dr. Samuel Lee. But he received humbleness training again to pioneer a new chapter in Milwaukee. In  2005, God sent him out to pioneer Minneapolis UBF till he was called to be the UBF General Director in August 2011. 

The 14 orchestra members were mainly from the CBF new generation. Dr. William Altobar gave the prayer topics after David Kim prayed. After the Sunday worship service, we were all invited to have an exquisite Filipino lunch.

Prayer topics:

1.  Have one heart and mind to work together with the attitude of Jesus

2.  P. Abraham Kim’s Indonesia and India visits before going to Latin America
