Mongolia UBF Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 20, 2012
  • 1295 reads

Matthew 13:31,32, "He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”

The year of 2011 is the twentieth anniversary of the pioneering work of UBF ministry in Mongolia. In the beginning stage, we had humble worship services, which were held in the kitchen at the Embassy or in the foreign students' dormitory inviting language teachers. During the 20 years, the ministry in Mongolia has grown in leaps and bounds with 3 UBF chapters (East UB, WEST UB, NUM) with around 200 natives. We praise God who has done this great work among us. In 2011, God had been maintaining his work and this I want to share.

1. Sending out native self-supporting missionaries

 After 20 years of pioneering, last year, we sent out two native missionaries to A nation in two areas in Central Asia. We were so moved by the fact that we sent missionaries to unreached areas of the gospel. Before being sent out, they received intensive missionary trainings such as Bible study for 45 days, daily bread sharing, and testimony writing based on the book of Acts. They are now studying in universities to learn the native language preparing a business mission there. God may have mercy on them to be well-prepared self-supporting missionaries and bear fruit for God’s glory.

Before Jesus’ ascension into heaven, he gave a great commission to his disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28:19,20)

We pray that our Mongol UBF may obey and accomplish the great command of our Lord Jesus as the first priority. In Central Asia and west of China, there are many small tribes who do not know the gospel of Jesus. We pray for sending out more missionaries to these areas continually. 

Mongolia is a country that receives aid. She has received aid for free loans, relief goods, and missionaries and so on. However, we pray that Mongolia may be a country that gives rather than receiving through sending many missionaries to many other countries.

2.  Ministry of God’s words

We studied the entire book of John’s gospel, the book of Hosea, and Genesis 1 - 19 in 2011. I had never studied the book of Hosea. To me, it is easier to prepare the Sunday messages and teach them when I have already done so before, because I have enough knowledge and notes. However, I felt sorry for our growing leaders because we kept repeating the same Bible passages every year. Then, I began to search new Bible passages, which we have never studied, and also which can help our spiritual growth. Finally I concluded it was the book of Hosea.

From July 17 for 6 weeks, I struggled to make questionnaires, study, and deliver messages.  I spent the whole hot summer time wrestling and struggling with the book of Hosea. After finishing it, I was so proud of challenging myself to study a new Bible chapter independently wishing to study more of Bible chapters, which I have never studied before. I pray that I may continue to dig out God’s words deeper, challenging myself to explore new Bible passages and deliver them freshly rather than doing the same thing, making everyone bored during worship service. 

We raised four leaders to deliver Genesis messages. Their performances were excellent in delivering the messages, yet I often realized that they are lacking a deep heart of repentance before God’s words, a desperation to reveal the meaning of God’s words, and a shepherd heart for those who listen to their messages. I need to help them rather than letting them to do by themselves. Overall, I need to be a good exemplary messenger for them. God may raise many excellent native messengers in Mongolia.  

3. Spring and Summer Bible Conference

We had a Spring Bible Conference from May 15-17. Tsogjavkhlan, Bilegchuluun, Duriimaa, and Enkhtsetseg were raised as shepherds. West UB center also had a Spring Bible Conference from May 16-17. Luvsansambuu delivered the first main message entitled, “The Resurrection of Jesus” based on John 20 and Bayarsaikhan also delivered the other message with the title, “Jesus, the Kernel of Wheat.”

On June 11, EAST UB chapter held a Summer Bible Conference and everyone shared life testimonies and we got to know each other deeper. During the summer vacation, from August 7-14, eleven members had a local mission trip. Through it, Mongolian leaders learned the realities of their country and gained a shepherd heart for their people. But the trip was not easy. Most of the local roads in Mongolia are not well paved, which cause frequent deadly accidents . So before the journey, they had to write their wills in order to travel with ammartyrdom spirit.

West UB chapter’s Summer Bible Conference was held from June 17-19. The opening message was served by Miigaa with the title, “Be a Blessing” based on Genesis 12 and Bat-Erdene delivered the first main message with the title, “It is Finished” based on John 19. Finally the second main message was delivered by Bukhbat with the title, “Feed My Sheep” based on John 21. Zorigtbaatar, Abraham Yang, Sarah Yang, Praise Song from Nam-San UBF, and Missionary Andrew Kim shared their life testimonies.   There were also many foreign delegates f,rom Korea, China and from far distances in Africa. It seemed our meeting was like an international conference. We saw the vision of Isaiah that Mongolia would be a Kingdom of priests and a Holy nation, and that many people would come from all over the world to study the Bible and share mission reports.

To this conference, 25 collage students attended. They were mostly growing Bible students who have been studying at least one year. On the second day in the evening, around ten students shared their testimonies. We often have students who shared their sin of lust or alcoholism. But at this conference, some students shared their violent crimes they committed onto strangers on the road and taking their possessions by force. It shows that the society in Mongolia is violent. We need to preach the gospel more diligently.

4. New house churches

God established 5 house churches in EAST UB chapter. Their names are followings; Darkhanbat & Enkhchimeg family On April 7, Munkhtulga & Ganchimeg family and Buuveibaatar & Battsetseg on June 18, and on August 20 Gal-Erdene & Oyunchimeg and Nyamsuren & Munkhdelger family. We keep praying for them to be source of blessings for the ministry in Mongolia.

5. Christmas Worship Service

On December 18, WEST UB chapter and on 25, EAST UB and NUM chapter had their own Christmas Worship Service. At WEST UB chapter, there was a total of 140 attendees. Paul Kwon delivered the message with the title, “Jesus, The Baby in a Manger.” After the message, we had various programs such as a Christmas carol medley, traditional folk dance, and drama. For the Christmas carol medley, the members wore Santa’s clothes dancing hi-hop, which made us laugh aloud. All the brothers prepared a traditional Mongolian folk dance, and they performed some difficult dance moves, such as spinning their bodies in the air a couple of times which astonished everyone.    

For several years, many native leaders and their parents began to attend our Christmas Worship Service. It seems good that the parents hear the message and watch all the well-prepared programs, which their children perform. It helps them to have a positive idea for their children to be involve in our ministry. Among the parents, not a small amount of them began to attend church worship service by the good spiritual influences of their children. Through learning of Jesus who came as a baby in a manger in a lower place, we deeply realized that our true victory to obtain salvation comes not by biting others in competitions, but by humbling ourselves to accept the baby, Jesus. We pray for the growing students to learn how to humble themselves in order to help others and establish the work of God together and also learn faithfulness to keep doing the work of God even in the time of deep failures and trials.  

6. My mission life

My 2011 key verse is Psalms 119:147–148, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.”

I chose this verse to seek God from the early morning by meditating on his words. However, in reality, I often started a day with worries and complaints and with deep fatalistic thoughts, “What can I do in my limitations?” I have been teaching for 20 years in a college in Mongolia. The teaching times have been gradually increasing and it made me upset. Also in my own trading business, I have a big problem because I heard that a large company will import a product in Mongolia, which we have been selling, and thinking it will really make my business downsize.  

Recently, I thought about this key verse again. I realized that the Psalmist sought the word of God from early morning faithfully because he believed that the word of God was the only solution to solve every matter in his life. I may grow as a man, who meditates on the word of God with good attitude without hindrance by the worries of life.

My 2012 key verse is Philippians 4:2, “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.” I want to learn good habits of giving thanks and praying in 2012.

Paul Kwon