Kaohsiung Mission New Year’s Report, Taiwan

  • by WMD
  • Jan 21, 2012
  • 1337 reads

Part 1. 2011 Review

2011 Key Verse: “…and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mt 6:32b-33)

God's Work Through The Key Verse

As 2011 dawned, our coworkers faced many challengessuch ascareer problems, marriage problems, school problems, and family problems. We chose the 2011 key verse to remind us to depend on God for our needs. We had recently studied Matthew 6 and 7, and had been encouraged to consider that our heavenly father knows everything that we need. He is a good Father, who knows how to give good gifts to his children. Rather than chasing after solutions to our problems, we need to chase after God’s kingdom and righteousness.

Looking back upon the past year, we see that our Father knows what we need, better than we ourselves. Judy, Matthew, Naomi, Yawen and Mandy all experienced, in various ways, God’s working in mysterious ways – through circumstances that had seemed disappointing at first, but which worked out for the best.

But, as the year 2012 begins, each member seems to still have a key prayer topic area where God’s working is needed. Mandy’s mother is currently recovering from a severe car accident. We pray for her healing to be a witness to their family.

Personal Bible Study

This past year, we have continued the study of Matthew’s Gospel. We also covered the Book of Ruth, during the summer. We also continued daily-bread publication work and morning prayer meeting.

Witnessing and One to One Ministry

This year we continued to invite peopleto the bible studythrough posters and regular campus visitingtimes. This work brought several new people, especially in the fall semester. In addition, Brendan, Judy, and Matthew continued to invite their friends.

Among our 1 to 1 students, Celine and Rayting finished Genesis. Yawen also finished a re-studying of Genesis. Yawen, Mandy, and Tina finished the Book of Exodus. Mandy also finished the Book of Joshua. 

Conferences and Special Programs

OurNew Year Leaders’ Workshop was based on the Book of Romans, 10 growing leadersattended.  Naomi was baptized during the workshop, by Pastor Jacob, who visited from Washington.

Our Easter Bible Conferencetheme was, “The Lamb of God.” We thought deeply about the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice. Several sisters shared messages. In all, 20 people came to the conference.

Our Summer Bible Conferencetheme was “God Has a Plan for Me”, based on Ps 139:16. There were 6 messengers and several life testimonies. In total, among the various days, 37 people attended the conference. Shepherdess Sophie from HK also visited our ministry and attended the conference.

Self-supporting & Language Study

Our missionary family currently has a stable job situation. The prayer topic is for Steve to get tenure. Also, Dr. Allison teaches part-time in the Computer Science and Social Science departments. We pray for her to become a full-time professor.

Yawen’s campus job was extended at least through this coming spring. We are happy for this and pray for her future plan of PhD study.

God answered our prayer by opening the door for Mandy to become a Chinese Language teacher in NSYSU. Our programs are bilingual. Steve speaks in English, and Allison translates. Some students are attracted by the English, especially in this past semester. It also helps to distinguish us from other Christian groups on campus.  Steve receives language training every morning through our daily bread booklet. Pray for him to be able to read Chinese words and understand Chinese conversation, in a year.

Coworking & 2nd Generation Serving/Education

We encourage eating fellowship, such as after the GBS, to build a stronger sense of Christian unity. Also this year Tina moved in to have common life with Mandy.

We maintained our Morning Prayer meeting throughout the year. Yawen and Mandy usually attend with us. Tina and Naomi sometimes also attend.  We pray for another early morning altar can be established in the Chinese Language Center (on the other side of the campus) under Mandy’s leadership with the support of Jenny and Mina.

Guest serving for world mission

Missionary Jacob, from Washington, visited in January. He taught us passages from Romans.

Shepherd Russell and Shepherd Ruth, together with their son, from Toledo visited us in June. We were encouraged by their life testimonies and their prayers for Taiwan.

Shepherdess Sophie attended our Summer Bible Conference.  We were deeply encouraged by her life testimony and her singing service.

Special thanksgiving topics

Naomi’s Baptism
Mandy became a Chinese Language teacher in NSYSU
Tina joined the common life with Mandy
Answered prayer for more brothers and undergraduates
Kobill and Young Jenny continued to have one-to-one bible study after they left for America
nd their spiritual growth among key members
Great work among international students, especially in Judy, Matthew, and Raju’s lives

Part II. 2012 Vision & Strategy

Our new 2012 Key Verse is Matthew 13:52

He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”

In the past year, we have grown in some ways. 1:1’s and Group Bible Study attendance grew. Many core members also experienced growth through personal hardships. But our Sunday worship attendance did not change much. The novelty of Taiwan mission fades, and the week-after-week grind of campus ministry seems to, perhaps, become not fresh. We chose this key verse to remind us that God’s word is living and active. God’s kingdom is bold and forcefully advancing. And thusly, it must follow that a properly instructed Bible teacher is dynamic and relevant.

In Jesus’ day, the Bible teachers were the “teachers of the law”. But they were not dynamic; they were instead like dried up old wineskins. All that they ever brought up from their storerooms were dusty old vintages. They did not teach the living Word of God, but, rather, rules taught by men. They had nothing new to bring out because nothing new ever was stored up. As a stiffened wineskin cannot hold the effervescent new wine, so the Pharisees were offended at Jesus’ new teaching.

In our ongoing study of Matthew, we have seen many rebukes of the Pharisees. But rather than judging them, we are concerned to see the same tendencies in ourselves! How can we avoid their yeast? In this key verse, Jesus makes a distinction between the inauthentic Bible teacher and the one who has been instructed about the kingdom of God. Nicodemus was a Pharisee, Israel’s teacher – but he could not understand the kingdom of God. He was attracted to Jesus when he saw his miraculous power and heard his teaching: Jesus’ teaching was new and real in a way that Nicodemus’ own teaching was not. When Jesus saw him, he diagnosed his problem, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

When we rely on the working of the Holy Spirit, then we have within us a spring of water welling up to eternal life. We can bring out new treasures as well as old. In a nearby passage, Jesus also points out that the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him.

To grow our ministry among new students, we Bible teachers must first examine our storeroom. If its shelves are bare, or the packages all past expiration date, then we must store up new things, through personal Bible study and prayer. And for the Sunday worship, the message must be a treasure, properly rooted in the message of the kingdom of heaven. Although our members have individual difficulties, may we all have new treasures stored up in our hearts.

Bible Academy & Conference Agenda

There will be a leaders’ workshop in January, and Easter and summer conferences, as well as a Christmas service. We would also like to have some program with the Taipei ministry, if possible.

Special Prayer Topics

1. 20 one-to-one each week
2. 20 faithful SWS attendants
3. Steve’s Sunday Message & Allison’s translation
4. Thursday and Friday Group Bible Study
5. Mandy’s mother’s recovery
6. Mina’s baptism in January
7. Steve to get tenure through publishing
8. Students learn to write testimony faithfully
9. Taipei ministry: to raise up one Abraham and Sarah of faith, Msn. Mark to find a teaching position, and Msn. Gloria’s new baby in March
10.Marriage forTina, and others
