Latin America Director's conference Report, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Jan 27, 2012
  • 873 reads

Latin America Director's conference was held on January 25-27 near Campina, Brazil. 57 attendants attended from 18 countries including 5 from the USA (including M. Philip L from LA), 2 from Korea (Moses K, Kyung Hee Suh), 2 from China, and 15 from Latin countries. Bolivia brought 2 national shepherds, Erik Abraham and Matthew. Around 14 Brazil second genes and local shepherds also attended and served the conference as coworkers. We were very sorry to hear that M. Moses Chang had to go back to Belize from the airport of Sao Paulo because of his visa problem. We were also very sorry to hear the news of M. Sarah Kim's mother. Her mother passed away on the day she came to Brazil. She was ready to go back to Korea to attend her homecoming service, but she decided to stay according to her mother's last word: "Serve God first even though I pass away." We were greatly encouraged by her mother as well as her life of faith.
M. Abraham Hwang's opening message was entitled, "Ehud the left handed man" from Judge 3. As Ehud used his left hand to glorify God, our Latin coworkers can use what we have. P. Abraham Kim still had a slight head ache and fever and jet lag. Yet his spirit was restored and he delivered his message entitled "Explore the promised land" with great spirit and power. He moved all attendants' heart to write deep testimonies. He challenged all of us to go and explore God's promised land especially the remaining 140 nations with Joshua and Caleb's faith and spirit. After listening to very encouraging reports from Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina we ordained 3 new directors: Isaac Cho as the Argentine director; Andrew Hu as the Paraguay director;  and Marcos Kim as the Buenos Aires director.
M. John K from YUST shared C mission report. Barnabas Choi gave a special lecture about missionary health care. He brought expensive tablets of vitamins and calcium and gave them to all missionaries. M. Esteban Cho delivered a special lecture about the needs of sabbatical rest to the missionaries based on his own experiences. M. Jose Ahn delivered a special lecture from Deut 8.1-6 and Joshua 1.16-18 entitled "God's special training for the new generation" from Exodus,  40 years training in the wilderness. We also had time to hear several concerns and issues of Latin missionaries at midnight of the second day.  During the short sports time our missionaries played soccer with second genes and enjoyed sports fellowship.
The second lecture by M. Juan Seo was very powerful. He spoke with great passion from Acts 19. As Paul diligently taught the Bible for three years in Ephesus and raised 12 disciples so God used M. Juan to raise 10-15 disciples every year through diligent Bible teaching. They sent out missionaries to the USA and to Panama. They pioneered UCV, USB, IPC, ULS, and LUZ, and they have great vision to pioneer all the campuses in Venezuela and pray for Venezuela to be a missionary-sending country.
M. Elijah Park delivered his closing message from Isaiah 43:1-20. God chose Israel. God is always with his chosen people. No fire and no danger can harm them. Likewise God chose us and he will protect us too. His message encouraged all missionaries to go back to the mission field with Immanuel God.  We thank God for many who served and made this conference possible. M. Timoteo Rhee hurt his ankle and could not stand well. Yet he served the conference with great spirit. M. Elijah Park and Paulo Kim, Brazil missionaries, together with their women coworkers and second generations served all the transportation as well as delicious snacks and necessary things.
Thank you for all your prayers.