Thailand UBF and Philippines UBF Visit Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 06, 2012
  • 1351 reads

By God’s grace, after attending the Asia Directors’ New Year’s Conference, M. Joseph S. (China) and M. Deborah Yang and I were invited to stay at the Philippines UBF Bible house for two days. We received much grace, especially through the sacrificial lives of Dr. William and Sarah Altobar.  They live at the UBF Bible house along with their own two children, three adopted children, and more than ten brothers and sisters. Dr. William has the image of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

By God’s grace, we were blessed to visit all five campuses (two campuses of UP (University of the Philippines), two campuses of Our Lady of Fatima University, and the University Belt campus). In those campuses, we earnestly prayed for God’s campus discipleship ministry in the Philippines. Each campus prays to raise 12 disciples of Jesus.

 We were impressed by Dr. John Talavera’s vision and hard work to raise 120 disciples of Jesus among the students of Fatima University on the Antipolo campus where Dr. John works as a professor and physician. When we were there, several Bible students welcomed us wholeheartedly.  They all look young and cute. We also prayed in a vacant lot which they bought for their future Bible house.

The Philippines UBF co-workers earnestly pray for 1) obtaining a Bible house for UP Manila (mainly Medical & Sciences) in downtown, 2) building a Bible house for Fatima University in Antipolo in the vacant lot they purchased, and 3) the construction completion of the main Bible house (where Dr. William serves), especially for the sake of the brothers and sisters who are living there.    

After visiting Philippines UBF, we visited our son, Daniel Yang Jr., in Chiang Mai, Thailand. By God’s grace, he is doing AIDS research work for the prestigious Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholars and Fellows Program (John’s Hopkins University and Chiang Mai University). We visited as our sincere prayer for our son’s spiritual relationship with Jesus. The people of Chiang Mai were very friendly and kind, but they really need Jesus, the Good Shepherd, so that they may not worship their human king or Buddha. So we earnestly prayed for God to send some shepherds and missionaries to Chiang Mai soon. On Sunday, we participated altogether at a local English worship service in an international church. Then we read the Ten Commandments and the Daily Bread passage from John’s gospel. After committing our son to Jesus, we flew to Bangkok.

The people of Thailand are very friendly and kind. They are known as the people of smiles, but they really need Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We visited Thailand UBF in Bangkok. They rent an office in a nice downtown building. We were deeply moved by God’s beautiful work through M. Peter and Debbie Lee’s 18 years of tears, early morning prayers, and Bible studies with absolute gospel faith. Despite the strong influence of Buddhism and the worshiping of the human king, God has raised 8 leaders.

We visited the campus of Chulalongkorn University, which is the top university of the nation. There is a place where our co-workers pray before going out to invite students to Bible stude. So at this holy place, we prayed earnestly to God according to the prayer topics given by M. Peter Lee. Their main prayer topics are for 1) all eight shepherds to take care of more than one Bible student, 2) four growing students, 3) M. Peter Lee’s John Gospel message, and 4) the marriages of four leaders (Paul Tam, Luke, Pauline On, and Mary Shin).               
