Poland Mission Report and Spiritual Direction for 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 09, 2012
  • 1062 reads

Attention to prayer and the ministry of the word

"I will give my attention  to prayer and the ministry of the word. (Acts 6:4)"

Heavenly Father! We want to glorify your grace and mercy on us and our ministry in 2011, and we want to listen to your spiritual direction through your word.

1. One-to-one Bible study

In 2011, God gave us Matthew‘s gospel. Brother Zbiegniew attended the Sunday worship service faithfully for the whole year and studied Matthew‘s gospel. But he did not change his atheistic attitude. But we remembered his personal experience of the Holy Spirit when he confessed of his sins before Jesus during the 2004 Moscow Bible Conference. He could also finish his Master‘s degree thanks to M. Elijah Park’s help. M. Elijah made use of every opportunity to fight the spiritual battle with the word of God through his thesis preparation. God gave M. Elijah the chance to plant the clear heart of God in Brother Zbiegniew. In 2010, Brother Zbiegniew decided not to go to M. Elijah because he heard the clear message that if he did not repent of his stubborn heart, he would be punished, not only eternally, but also in this life. But he returned to the word of God, and in 2011, he attended the Sunday worship service faithfully. His change will be a clear sign to all the Poles of the power and grace of God. So we continuously pray for his clear conversion.

(clockwise from the bottom right: Andrzej, Zbiegniew, Aleksy, Samanta, Przemek and Tomasz)

We’ve had a relationship with Brother Otgor, a Mongolian student, for 13 years. He had a clear change in his attitude. Every Sunday for a year, we had Bible study through Skype because he lived in another city, Cracow. He finished his doctoral study in December. He thanked us for our prayer and support in the introduction of his doctoral thesis. From time to time, he visited Warsaw and we prayed together. He confessed Jesus as his personal Christ. After his doctoral course, we sent him as a missionary to Mongolia through prayer.

Every Sunday, we had fellowship over sports with Brother Tomasz, an old Bible student, and Zbiegniew. Also, Brother Aleksy started coming again to our Sunday worship service. M. Debora Park had one-to-one Bible study with Dorota and Agnieszka. She invited Agnieszka to contribute spiritually through preaching the gospel to the Poles. Agnieszka is an able woman in a doctoral course for philosophy. She became a good friend and co-worker for M. Debora Park.

(with Dr. Otgor)

In Poznan, M. Hanna Lee started studying Polish in the University of Poznan. She could meet many students on the campus every day. Sister Kamila, a 3rd year student in history, started studying the Bible with M. Hanna Lee. God blessed the Poznan ministry.

In Warsaw and Poznan, we shared the work of the Holy Spirit with evangelical churches, which make up less than 1% in Poland. We found a way to co-work with them spiritually. Sometimes UBF missionaries helped with Bible studies and shared the vision of God for Polish ministry with them. We praise God for his mercy and continuous work of salvation for Poles.

2.  Self-supporting ministry

There are three missionaries family in Poland and three chapters. All the missionaries work in Korean companies, Samsung and Daewoo, which require long and hard hours. Sometimes they could not find the time to prepare for the Sunday worship service, but they faithfully prepared it and served God’s ministry.

M. Elijah Park co-works with a very ambitious Korean managing director who wants to be the CEO of the company. Therefore, he had to go on many business trips to develop the new business. He had to struggle more to go to the campus to invite new students to Bible study. Since October, he decided to go to the campus three times a week after work to invite new students.

M. Henry Lee had difficulty finishing his work on time to serve God’s ministry and had a lot of trouble with local and Korean staff. But when he tried to find the way in wisdom and faith, he could overcome it successfully. M. Morison Moon had difficulty finding time as a worker delegated from Korea, but he faithfully served the Sunday worship service and supported M. Joy Moon to learn the Polish language.

3.  Thanksgiving and spiritual direction for 2012

In reviewing 2011, we glorify God for his mercy and grace on us and our ministry. We were lazy to preach the gospel even though God has a burning heart for the dying Poles. We did not give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. So in 2012, we will give our full attention to prayer and the ministry of the word according to Acts 6:4. We believe when we give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word, we will see the powerful works of the Holy Spirit in the spirits and hearts of us and Polish young men. We believe when we give our attention to prayer and the ministry of word, we will overcome our limitation of time as self-supporting missionaries and will fully join the work of the Holy Spirit to establish faithful ancestors of faith like Abraham and Sarah in Poland. We will continue to pray for the works of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Polish young generation.

One Word:  We will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word
