Slovakia Mission Report and Thanksgiving Topics

  • by WMD
  • Mar 11, 2012
  • 1491 reads

Slovakia 2011 Mission Report

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6)

I.   Thanksgiving – his grace and apostleship

Five years ago, God led us to the promised land of Slovakia by his grace only. God himself led us in advance, and in his proper time, opened the door for work at the Korean embassy and laid a foundation to explore Slovakia. Until now, God has been with us and has enabled us to invite many students and friends to our house church. Through fellowship in the word of God, we saw many graceful things happen, like someone receiving Jesus as her Christ and gaining peace of mind in Christ. Whenever we see ourselves, we cannot help thanking God for using us as his instruments of the gospel in Slovakia. We pray that we can preach the gospel of life to students in Slovakia with all our hearts.

II.  Thanksgiving – challenge of faith

When we prayed for the challenge of a conference in January, God gave us precious presents, that is, his word from 1 Samuel 7:3, to restore our first love in Jesus Christ. Through this love, we could serve Suzanna and Peter who live in Dunajska Streda, and Matej who lives in Trnava. They welcomed us wholeheartedly. On the way back, we prayed for them to accept God’s countless grace. In May, a meeting for Korean missionaries who serve in Slovakia was held in Bratislava. Through this meeting, God showed that our Father does his life salvation work diligently in his own way. Furthermore, he gave us a holy desire to see the glory of God in Slovakia.

III. Thanksgiving- five loaves and two fish

God helped M. Ester to meet Slovak students through the means of a Korean class.  He led her to teach them as a Korean teacher in the Asian Culture Center. In September, they participated in the Korean Festival, which was held by the Korean Embassy in Slovakia. In December, they also attended a Korean speaking contest. On December 17, we had a Christmas celebration in our house church with them. We newly recognized that God does his work by means of our five loaves and two fish through the Korean class. All we have to do is present our small thing to God every moment by faith.

IV. Thanksgiving- the living hope of the kingdom of God

As we were preparing for the Easter conference in April, we received one call from Korea. A big mountain fire had swallowed my mother’s house. The bad news depressed us, but God held us up with his word from 2 Corinthians 5:1 and Hebrew 11:6 and helped us to pray for our mother to have strength and a living hope in the kingdom of God. We also asked for prayer support from our co-workers who minister in Europe and Korea. God is truly our Father. He planted the living hope in the heart of my mother and after three months, also gave her a beautiful house on the earth.

V.  Thanksgiving – co-workers of prayer

Since 2007, we have had a good relationship with the Hannes family. From July 2011, we started Saturday morning prayer meetings with them. At the beginning of this year, this family had a serious problem. God had his ears on our united prayer. Her husband got a good job and she also took rest in the arm of God. We are praying for them to receive God’s grace and become precious co-workers in Slovakia in God’s time.


God gave his word from Romans 12:2 and Jeremiah 33:3 as presents in 2012 and also gave us the privilege of serving the Central European Conference in 2012. We really want to see God’s glory in the Slovakia through our prayers and obedience.
