Yool-Jun UBF Spring Semester Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 05, 2012
  • 758 reads

The Yool-Jun ministry focused on outreach during the freshmen orientation on February 21-22. We helped the freshmen register for their classes and played soccer with them on March 3. We had a new semester celebration on March 7. The student committee prepared and led this meeting. Thirteen freshmen attended – 10 boys and 3 girls – and all of them were from Sung-Gyun University. We had dinner at Dominos Pizza at 6 and fellowship by teams. After dinner, we introduced UBF to them. Hoon-Young Park, who is the president of the student committee, presided over this meeting. After the National United Student Conference and the intensive Genesis GBS over winter break, he became passionate for student ministry. He was anointed as a leader and was chosen as president three days before the freshmen meeting. Chang-Sik Kim introduced UBF. He is friendly and funny, so he joyfully introduced UBF as a Bible study club. After the introduction, tutors for calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, English and C-language invited freshmen to their study group. We then had game time. Although the student committee prepared this wholeheartedly, the freshmen were timid and didn't participate much.

This year's freshmen meeting was different than usual in many ways. First, the meeting was prepared and led by the student committee and not by full-time church staff. The student committee did all the planning, preparation, environment-making, and even cleaning after the meeting. In this way, other leaders could focus on inviting freshmen to the meeting. Each student leader also invited at least one freshman.

Second, we had a new meeting style through co-working. This year many co-workers met together about 10 times before the semester began. At the meetings, we discussed the needs of the students and decided to work to help them diligently. The student committee made a plan and programs and co-worked with other leaders who were more experienced.

We had a student committee retreat on March 9-10. We originally made this retreat for freshman, however, most of the freshmen went to the Learning Community Retreat and we didn't have enough time to form a relationship with them to invite them. Although we couldn't invite freshmen, we made this retreat for the student committee. We thank God who made this retreat full of passion and student focused. We pray the student committee may grow and sincerely serve the student ministry.

From now on, we are planning to have soccer and basketball fellowship every Saturday at 1 pm and focus on one-to-one Bible study. We also want to have a weekday study club and special worship service for freshmen on Sundays at 3 pm. We will have a 10-Step Bible study before the worship service and our laymen leaders will deliver a message followed by a drama and testimonies. This year, 30 co-workers used Kakao Talk group chatting to communicate and pray more efficiently. It worked really well. May God bless our freshmen ministry!

Reported by Ye-Man Mun
