2012 Middle East Conference and Tour Info

  • by WMD
  • Apr 15, 2012
  • 831 reads

2012 Middle East Conference and Tour

1. Place : Jordan
2. Date : August 20, 2012 – August 23, 2012 (4 days)
3. Fee: $250 per person
4. Visiting Holy Land after conference (3 days): $320 per person.
UBF Holy Land tour : Aug 23 (Thur) – 25 (Sat), 2012  

Itinerary 1 (Jordan 3 days ) (Aug, 23-25)

First day (8/23): Lunch at the hotel- Jabbok river- Elijah’s hometown – Jerash (Gerasenes area in the Bible- Amman

Second day (8/24): Breakfast – John the Baptist martyrdom place, Machaerus – following the king’s road- Arnon valley – Petra – Moses’ well – Aaron’s tomb – Amman.

Third day (8/25): Breakfast- Ammon fortress – Nebo mountain – dismiss.  

Rate  (US $)

Estimate: $320 per person

80% (of adult) for children for ages 5-6 years old.

* Lunch for Aug 23 will be provided by the hotel. Tour will cover from dinner, Aug 23, through Aug 25.
* The rate is based on 30 participants, and renting the 50 person capacity bus.  
* 2 people will stay in one room. If a person prefers to use a single room, single room rate will be applied ($60 extra for two nights)

Included in  cost Excluded from cost
Air conditioned bus Tips, personal expenses
Entrance fee for visiting places Custom service fees
Guides (Korean+native) Insurances
Tent and food Water and drink


Al Fanar Palace--2 nights
* Food will be native style or hotel’s choice.
5. Visa for Jordan: Korean/Europe/US visitors pay VISA fee ($15) at the airport and entry.
6. Use taxi at the airport (ask a taxi driver to use taxi meter). Takes about 30-40 minutes to hotel ($30)
** If you can come with other UBF guests from the airport, you can save money.