Korea UBF Staff Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 22, 2012
  • 729 reads

On April 9-11 Korea UBF held it's spring staff conference at Sangjo Resort, Chunan, Korea. 72 Korean UBF staff members gathered together from Korea UBF chapters nation-wide and refreshed victorious faith for their Spring semester through this conference. 

We studied two lectures of Mark's gospel. The first lecture was entitled "Don't be afraid and just believe" based on Mark 5:21-43 and the second was entitled “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.”from Mark 6:30-44.   Through the lectures we could learn about:  (1) the significance of faith which can never be shaken in any circumstance; and (2) the secret of feeding young souls on campus by giving five loaves and two fish to Jesus, though our tendency can easily become negative and discouraged. 

There were special lectures for each night that could help each staff shepherd's practical shepherd life. The first night P. Sungsoo Kwon (Dongshin church in Daegoo) gave a special lecture entitled" Sermon with the Holy Sprit". Based on his experienced shepherd's life he emphasized that the best sermon is Bible Exposition Spirit Transformation.  Bible knowledge can not change people. Therefore when the messenger is burning with the Holy Spirit his sermon has power to penetrate the people's heart and the Holy Spirit will work mightily among the people and the work of transforming will continue after the message is delivered. He also said that only the shepherd who has sacrificial and pioneering spirit as lions in the jungle will prosper but when they seek secure and easy-going shepherd lives there will be no more prosperity.  

The second night Sh. Wesley Yoon (Young Tiger UBF) served the second special lecture entitled "Ecclesiology".  In his lecture he emphasized the significance of  love for God, one another, and our neighbors as the true church of God. Most of all when we actively participate in expanding God's kingdom we will be a living church as the church of God on earth.

In the morning we had sports activities dividing into three teams led by Sh. Joshua Kim playing baseball and feet ball games. Through this we could enjoy the games having good fellowship and making our bodies strong as well.  We thank God for enabling us to have joyful sports activities and for holding the rain until we finished it. The rain began to fall down from heaven at 12 noon at was the exact time we finished.

At the end Sh. David Kim encouraged each staff member to actively look for what he has, not thinking about what he does not have,  and give it to Jesus in the spring campus pioneering work and in world mission work. He was convinced that Jesus our Lord will accept our small one to one ministry as five loaves and two fish and God will feed campus young souls in Korea and in the whole world.

We pray that God may bless all Korean UBF staff members with abundant words and with pioneering spirit in this spring and perform miraculous signs of five loaves and two fish through us in 2012.

Abraham Suh
