Jakarta UBF Easter Bible Conference, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Apr 25, 2012
  • 933 reads

On April 6-8, Jakarta UBF had an Easter Bible Conference at Geulis Mountain with the title “Suffering Servant Jesus.” A total of 29 people attended including seven newcomers.

We made a program focusing on the new generation. So we had a lecture 1 Group Bible study first as soon as we arrived instead of having an opening message. After that we had lunch and hiking and game time. According to the expressions of all shepherds and sheep, this was an amazingly joyful and amusing time. The time was fresh and opened our hearts widely as if experiencing the resurrection of Jesus. After dinner, S. Carolus delivered lecture 1 based on Genesis 1:26-31 with the title “It was Very Good.” He mainly focused on creation of man and woman and reminded us that we are whom God created and was very pleased. In the past, he was a homosexual person with whom God was not pleased. But he testified that he repented of his sin and is being recovered in God’s image as a man. Above all, he gratefully confessed that establishing a house church with S. Eta, a woman of faith, was God’s deep love and grace for him. After lecture 1, and a special program we had a presentation of eight campuses which we are currently pioneering. Each presenter shared for five minutes. After that we had a Movie Night. Presentation time gave us clear ownership for each campus and we shared prayer topics together. Movie Night was very captivating, so young sheep and newcomers did not sleep well.

The next morning, we had Daily Bread and had a delicious mixed fried rice breakfast. We had eight group Bible studies with native shepherd leaders and M. Peter Kim. During this time, we had free conversation and deep questions. Especially, the Isabella team (Malaysian shepherds) was enthusiastic without knowing time had passed so fast.  The lecture 2 message was delivered by S. Dwi (IPB master’s program: Agronomy 1) with the title, “Jesus, Servant of Suffering and Servant of Glory” (Isa 53).   His sheep performed a trio-drama before his message. They inflated 4 big black garbage bags with air like balloons. They wrote down the names of sin on them and Jesus carried it on his shoulders to the cross. S. Dwi confidently delivered that Jesus was hated and despised because of our sins. Also, he was very thankful to Jesus who took up his infirmities, the most lustful sinner.

  After his message, we had a baptism ceremony for S. Susanti by M. Peter Kim at the pond outside of the building. Sister Susanti (Esa Unggul Univ., Nursing 2) was the second Is. sheep after Shepherd. Sam. At first, she came to M. Peter Kim’s house wearing her traditional clothes. But when she visited Inchon, Korea last year in the spring and was served by Inchon UBF co-workers, she opened her heart and accepted Jesus as her savior. During the ceremony, the blessing song by brothers and sisters was very gracious. When they hugged and blessed each other, Susanti shed tears. I earnestly pray that God may lead her life and be with her with His words, Holy Spirit and prayer.

  In the evening, we had a ‘Graceful Night’ and sheep shared their testimonies. I was impressed by the testimony of Otis (Politics Masters program in Esa Univ.) He beat his poor father who could not give him money to buy Korean noodles, and he sent his father away without saying any words of apology. He confessed with tears that Jesus died for an ungrateful wretched sinner like himself. After a graceful night in group, we had an acting quiz time based on the conference messages. During this time shepherds and sheep were so loud the walls shook.

The last morning we had Daily Bread, breakfast, and group Bible study. After that we had a worship service and a communion ceremony. One church preacher who was raised by Jakarta UBF joined with his church members. Sunday message was delivered by S. Hengky entitled “Who will go for us?” (Isa 6:1-13). Before the message, S. Isabella and Sri revealed the prophet Isaiah’s broken heart through a duo-drama. When we think about Indonesia’s society, politics, and economy, we could be sympathetic with Isaiah. Through his message, S. Hengky confessed that he was in anxiety and unbelief because of his family situation. He decided to follow God’s calling without doubt by faith in God who knows his family problem and would handle it. After worship service, we had a communion ceremony conducted by M. Peter Kim. Through this communion ceremony, we shared bread and wine and enjoyed God’s love among us.

Through this Easter Bible conference, young people were very satisfied. They heard the word of God and had joyful relationships. Also, we saw the unity among shepherds. I sincerely pray that these shepherds and young people may have one mind and learn Jesus and his word in this spring semester.  

Prayer Topics:
1) Newcomers:  Mahe, Otis, Juni, Alan, Nira, Novi and Misno may have one to one Bible study faithfully;
2) Shepherds and House churches may have one mind continuously;
3) Sister Susanti may grow as a Maria in Esa Unggul University;
4) Brother Joshua may accept God’s calling and be ordained as a shepherd;
5) 30 Sunday Worship Service attendants and 40 1:1’s;
6) Sunday message of M. Peter Kim, S. Hengky, Dwi, and Carolus;
7) Preparing of SEAM Center.
